Relations with communities

Our commitment to the communities in our area of influence

We provide spaces for dialogue and development, for building the social fabric, and for communication and information.

A good relationship builds trust and guarantees the social license to make the operation sustainable.

Through the strengthening of local capacities and the commitment to generate a positive impact, Drummond Ltd. contributes value to its communities by transforming the territory, with the objective of achieving sustainable development.

Our dialogue spaces allow us to learn about the expectations and interests of our stakeholders, contributing to consolidate relationships of respect and co-responsibility. Proper management of these interests and expectations is reflected in a solid reputation and the maintenance of our social license to operate.

In the case of community relations, the Company has three objectives in the search for an adequate approach and constant communication:

  1. Guarantee and generate conditions of coexistence and good dialogue between the Company and the community.
  2. Promote and encourage projects that improve local capacities in the area of influence.
  3. Maintain permanent contact and dialogue with the different actors in the community.
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Objective 1.

Guarantee and generate conditions of coexistence and good dialogue between the Company and the community.

In order to respond to the challenges that these objectives imply, Drummond Ltd. has different mechanisms, tools and channels to promote their management, communication and open dialogue:

  1. Community relations policy.
  2. Internal communications.
  3. External communications.
Objective 2.

Promote and encourage projects that improve local capacities in the area of influence.

Our main commitment is focused on education and training, as the best alternative to facilitate access to opportunities and promote social development. For this reason, in its management it develops programs and projects that impact from early childhood to higher education:

  1. Early childhood care
  2. Scholarships for higher education
  3. Literacy for youth and senior citizens
  4. Quality education in elementary school
  5. Improvement and construction of educational infrastructure
  6. Training and strengthening of skills for employment
  7. Teacher training and qualification
  8. Construction of values through extracurricular activities
Objective 3.

Maintain constant contact and dialogue with the various stakeholders in the community

Para tal fin hemos implementado las siguientes acciones:

  1. Citizen Service System (SAC)
  2. Human rights and risk assessment process
  3. Attention to requests, complaints, claims, suggestions, compliments and complaints, 2020
  4. Stakeholder expectations management
  5. Operations with local community participation, impact assessments and development programs.
  6. Local community involvement and development programs
  7. Identification of risks and impacts on the population
  8. Actions to create socio-economic reconversion processes in the region
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Productores/proveedores participantes del proyecto Desarrollo de Productores Locales. Ingresos superiores a los +COP 1.800 millones (USD 415.691) +825 ton. de productos agrícolas vendidos.
Familias de ASOCOPE (Asociación de Cacaoteros del Perijá), participantes del proyecto de mejoramiento de cultivo de cacao.