Drummond Ltd. is committed to respecting Human Rights at its operations


La Loma, August 29, 2017

Since the end of 2014 Drummond Ltd. has been aligning its policies and practices with the best international standards on Human rights for business, such as the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.

In order to adhere to and implement these standards, the company needed to identify and prioritize risks, establish management mechanisms and assign people responsible for managing, monitoring and controlling human rights issues, all based on the international guidelines that set the standard for the treatment and respect for human rights by businesses.

How we’re doing

Today, Drummond Ltd. has made many accomplishments and improvements in terms of Human rights.

For 2017, the main objective has been to expand the Human Rights Policy to employees, as explain the risks and management mechanisms that Drummond Ltd. has identified. This was done during the first stage of training, in which 78% (897 employees) of the company’s administrative staff and management received human rights training. In the second stage, a Train the Trainers program was completed in which 110 leaders were trained to give the same workshop to technical and operational staff during the regular training cycles, in order to complete the third stage. These cycles began in July and will be completed in September. Thus far in the process, more than 1,300 workers from the Pribbenow and El Descanso mines and Puerto Drummond have participated.

Nasser Márquez Contreras – Assistant Superintendent from the Drilling and Blasting Department, who participated in the program, says that Train the Trainers “was a great idea by the company, because Drummond Ltd. has excellent leaders. It is an opportunity to strengthen our relationships with our coworkers, to improve our awareness of human rights, and it also makes everyone work hand-in-hand in the same direction. We have clear goals and objectives at the group and the individual level, and with them we are advancing in leaps and bounds in terms of performance and productivity, especially when we respect others and recognize their rights and capabilities.”

For Drummond Ltd., it is important to reaffirm its commitment to respecting and promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms. It will continue to work hard to apply its verification mechanisms that guarantee and monitor strict compliance with the terms of its policies and protect the rights of each of its workers.

What do you think about how human rights are handled at Drummond Ltd.? If you have opinions, questions or recommendations about how we manage human rights, submit them using the “Contact Us” link on our website www.drummondltd.comand/or if you have information about potential human rights violations, please report them by writing to denuncias@drummondltd.com.

Protecting human rights is everyone’s responsibility.

Human Rights 2_DLTD
