Revista Drummond N. 16

Main subject Drummond continues to be the largest coal producer and exporter in Colombia For the sixth consecutive year, Drummond Ltd. remains the largest coal producer and exporter in the country. This reflects the great resilience and competitiveness of the organization, which achieved this goal in the context of a global economy with great challenges. […]

Revista Drummond N. 12

Main subject Drummond continues to be the largest coal producer and exporter in Colombia For the sixth consecutive year, Drummond Ltd. remains the largest coal producer and exporter in the country. This reflects the great resilience and competitiveness of the organization, which achieved this goal in the context of a global economy with great challenges. […]

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Productores/proveedores participantes del proyecto Desarrollo de Productores Locales. Ingresos superiores a los +COP 1.800 millones (USD 415.691) +825 ton. de productos agrícolas vendidos.
Familias de ASOCOPE (Asociación de Cacaoteros del Perijá), participantes del proyecto de mejoramiento de cultivo de cacao.