La Loma, November 29, 2023

Issue No. 15 of Revista Drummond has been published, sharing in-depth information about the company’s socio-environmental commitment in an interactive digital format, with navigation tools that make it possible to play audio and video content within the file. This new issue tells the story of how the company contributes positively through its operations to the development of its communities.
In his editorial, Jose Miguel Linares, president of Drummond Ltd., discusses the importance of coal as a partner in the transition process towards a sustainable future, highlighting projects and actions that promote responsible practices, thereby contributing to the economic and social development of the region and the country.
The newest publication shares information on Drummond Ltd.’s sustainable management roadmap, which highlights the company’s commitment to aligning its corporate responsibility with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and actively contributing to their fulfillment through its business activities.
Topics such as peace and human rights, governance for development, environmental performance and integral development are addressed by Juan Pablo Arteaga, Vice President of Sustainability for Drummond Ltd. who states the following: “What is sustainable is to create conditions so that, beyond our presence, the region can develop and grow.”
The magazine also provides details of the company’s high industrial safety standards, highlighting the creation of a culture in which its employees and contractors have managed to develop a world-class safety operation as a result of several years of intense hard work.
The mining company, which has been the leading producer and exporter of coal in Colombia since 2016, also talks about the processes it leads to achieve a cutting-edge, sustainable and efficient operation, highlighting the talent and commitment of its employees.
These and other topics of major importance in the development of the company’s operations and projections can be found in Issue No. 15 of Revista Drummond by clicking on the link below:
Revista Drummond N. 15 – Drummond Ltd.
or scanning this QR code to access the mobile version: