Successful Intercollegiate Tournament: “Golombiao, the Game of Peace”


Cienaga, December 18, 2017

Drummond, the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN, previously the ACR), and the Office of the Mayor of Cienaga developed the “Building Values” project to benefit 540 students of five schools in Cienaga. The project promotes peace and coexistence through sports, using the program ‘Golombiao, the Game of Peace.’

With the participation of former combatants, the main goal of this project is to use sports to integrate young people from the different schools. Soccer is thus the main tool for “Building Values through Sports.” During the intercollegiate soccer championship, the teams included the values of equality, non-violence, freedom of expression, active participation, non-discrimination, self-care, taking care of others and caring for the environment.

The championship final took place in December with a match between the El Carmen and Alianza para el Progreso Schools. Young people from the La Maria, Alfredo Correa De Andreis, and Enoc Mendoza Schools. Other participants in this social integration program, also took part in the tournament.

Drummond prioritizes its continued support for projects such as these, assisting former combatants in their reincorporation process and supporting the youth by teaching them how to get along, build peace, and renew the social fabric. “We’re proud that this project has concluded with such high quality and success, because these young people have come to understand the importance of promoting peace and getting along with each other. They were the ones who demonstrated in each game that social integration is possible, and that values can be built through sports,” said Drummond Ltd.

Drummond, the ARN, and the Office of the Mayor of Cienaga remain steadfast in their commitment to the well-being of these young people and the development of the Golombiao program. The students at the Alianza para el Progreso School deserve special attention, based on the leadership they demonstrated during the intercollegiate championship.

In representation of all of the participants in the intercollegiate tournament, a student from the Alianza para el Progreso School, Dailin Rodriguez, explained, “Golombiao has been one of the best activities we have participated in, because not only did it bring us together as brothers, but even like a family at the different schools. That’s why we are grateful to Drummond and the ARN for allowing us to share our special triumph as champions with you.”

Jose Wild, Coordinator of ARN Magdalena, stated that they will continue to support and promote sports for young people: “Congratulations to the champions for building and promoting values of peace during the entire tournament. I hope you continue to do so every single day. Thank you to Drummond and to the Mayor of Cienega for supporting this initiative and for working in favor of the well-being of children and youth. We will continue to promote programs like these that helps on the development of communities and keep young people and children away from violence.”
