Multiple Sports Complex in El Carmen Educational Institution will become a Reality


September 20, 2016

The strategic partnership between Drummond Ltd., the Cienaga Mayor’s Office, Fundepalma, El Carmen Institution and the involvement of the Colombian Agency for Reintegration (ACR) will be essential for the construction of sports scenarios.

1,085 children and young adults from the El Carmen Educational Institution in the municipality of Cienaga will benefit as part of the partnership between Drummond Ltd., Fundepalma, the municipal Mayor’s office, and the educational institution, which was consolidated with the purpose of creating spaces to strengthen and encourage the integral development of the students. The project will contribute to the construction and supply of the multiple sports complex and games for the recreation of the early childhood programs.

The project, began with the socialization of the objectives and the creation of the execution plan before the institution. It included the involvement of representatives from all the contributing entities, who expressed their approval by continuing to work together to promote sports and spaces that have a positive impact on the municipality’s children and young adults.

“The most important thing is knowing that we are not alone, that we have the support of companies like Drummond who are committed with our municipality. We have the desire to continue working with them because they help us so that processes advance quickly, and that brings happiness for Cienaga in general, because besides the fact that they invest in the areas of influence, the work is reflected in the rest of the municipality,” declared the mayor of the Cienaga municipality.

Likewise, Fundepalma, entity responsible for the execution and compliance of the project’s construction within the institution, was in charge of the socialization. Yenny Salazar, executive director, was in charge of intervention, and explained the operation, objectives, and purposes that want to be carried out with the construction of these sports spaces in the municipality’s institutions.

“The public-private partnership between Drummond, the Cienaga Mayor’s office, and Fundepalma, constitutes a fundamental strategy to create these types of initiatives. Drummond is a vital and important ally to drive the development of initiatives that build great community development and involvement. These scenarios transform realities and promote spaces so that young people can also participate and build a better reality,” stated Yenny Salazar, executive director for Fundepalma.

On the other hand, the educational community in representation of the institution’s dean, expressed its appreciation to be the beneficiaries of this project, which excites an entire community of students, professors, and parents.

“Here, we are lacking in spaces for motor development, for sports development, and for the creation of physical competencies of our young. With this complex, we are going to be able to intervene in these processes, because their formation must be integral. With this spaces give to us by Fundepalma, Drummond, the Cienaga Mayor’s office, and our small contribution, we are going to have the tools needed so that these children can develop sports abilities,” expressed the dean of the El Carmen institution, Elkin Marquez.

The project, which encourages sports, leisure, and recreation for the students, involved a total investment of $110.000.000, a contribution of $70.000.000 in materials and supplies given by Drummond Ltd., $21.000.000 given by the Mayor’s office and which will go towards the workforce, $4.000.000 from the Educational Institution also for the workforce, and Fundepalama’s contribution of $15.000.000 for pre-investment administrative costs and technical supervision during the project.
Likewise, the work carried out between Drummond and the Colombian Agency for Reintegration (ACR), will allow construction, which will help with the promotion of a healthy coexistence through sports so that it involves individuals who are in the process of reintegration, and who will be in charge of the adjustment of the terrain, before the construction of the complex begins.

It is important for Drummond Ltd., to continue contributing to the construction of the community’s future, by strengthening the important development of children and young adults, who are part of our zones of influence.
