More than 6,000 Children Benefit from the Second Phase of the ‘Palabrario & Numerario’ Program


La Loma, July 29, 2019

The partnership between Drummond Ltd. and the Genesis Foundation has continued with the implementation of the second phase of the ‘Palabrario & Numerario’ program, which has developed and strengthened competencies in reading, writing, and logical-mathematical thinking for boys and girls in preschool and elementary in the Department of Cesar.

Supporting the social dimension of the UN’s Sustainable Development Agenda, Drummond Ltd. is targeting SDG 4: Quality Education, by training local and regional human capital as a way to facilitate access to opportunities.

Scope of the Program

The second phase of the program benefited more than 6,000 boys and girls in the area of influence. It provided training to 219 teachers in the program’s principles in order to have an impact on their classroom practices. This will improve the quality of the teaching at eight schools in the municipalities of Agustin Codazzi, Chiriguana, El Paso and La Jagua de Ibirico.

The ‘Palabrario & Numerario’ program focuses on strengthening the skills of teachers, with whom innovative strategies, methodologies, and resources are shared to raise the standards for their teaching, enriching and improving their classroom practices.

“With my co-workers we have made the commitment to implement strategies that will help students strengthen their skills in language and mathematics. Palabrario & Numerario brought us fresh ideas and support in achieving our goals,” expressed one of the teachers at the Las Flores School in Cesar.

The program will continue to strengthen its training workshops with the purpose of optimizing educational practices and conceptual tools in order to improve the performance of both teachers and students.

“Our actions are oriented toward sustainability. Palabrario & Numerario is a program that, in partnership with the Genesis foundation, seeks to stimulate teachers’ educational methodologies, and motivate preschool and elementary students in our area of influence. We do this through training processes and improvements in educational practices, in favor of an impact on student learning,” explained Juan Pablo Arteaga, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility and Resettlement at Drummond Ltd.

On her part, Cristina Gutierrez from the Genesis Foundation stated: “Drummond has been our partner for 8 years now. Together we have built a relationship of trust that has permitted giving quality attention to early childhood education in Magdalena. Thanks to this solid partnership we are developing our Palabrario & Numerario program in the Department of Cesar, a new territory for Genesis but that has been greatly influenced by Drummond. The positive results we have harvested remind us of the transforming power of a good partnership.”

Drummond Ltd. will continue working strategically and executing programs that contribute to the future well-being of communities, as a foundation for the region’s development.
