Drummond Ltd. Promotes Respect for Human Rights in sessions with Contractors and Providers


Cienaga, July 22, 2019

Pablo Urrutia, Vice President of Public Affairs and Communications at Drummond Ltd., and Jose Unda, Human Rights Advisor, during the event.

With the purpose of promoting and guaranteeing respect for human rights, a principle included among the pillars of its corporate social responsibility strategy, Drummond Ltd. continues to organize sessions with contractors and providers to improve their work in the area of managing human rights risks.

On this occasion, during the event held in Santa Marta, with close to 100 representatives from those companies, emphasis was given to opportunities for improvement based on the results of the Bettercoal evaluation. The company drew attention to positive environmental impacts, explained its work in occupational health and safety (OHS), and reiterated its commitment to responsible and diligent management of human rights.

Pablo Urrutia, Vice President of Public Affairs and Communications at the company, shared the results of the recent Bettercoal evaluation. The assessment highlighted Drummond’s commitment to continuous improvement of its processes, such as its work in respect for and recognition of the rights of its workers, and the adoption of voluntary measures related to ethical, social, and environmental performance.

Human Rights Advisor Jose Unda, Manager of Ardura S.A.S., provided information to the contractors on objectives and measures for improving processes and actions to protect human rights.

Details were shared on the company’s different processes for human rights management. Oscar Vega, Drummond’s industrial safety manager highlighted the importance of managing health and safety in each one of the company’s environments, in favor of protecting and providing for the well-being of human capital.

“The best rewards aren’t any prizes, but rather the smiles we see on the faces of our employees who feel they are in a safe place. We manage safety for them, and for their families, and we make sure those happy faces are always there,” said Oscar Vega, extending an invitation to the contractors to do the same.

Next, Amilcar Valencia, Drummond’s environmental manager, demonstrated how responsible mining can generate positive impacts on the environment. He drew the contractors’ attention to Drummond’s forest nurseries in Cienaga, Magdalena, and at the Pribbenow mine in La Loma, Cesar, which produce seedlings for reforestation processes in the operations and for donations to the towns in the areas of influence of the mines and the port.

Drummond aligns its policies and actions with the ‘United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’ and with the ‘Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights,’ to ensure that its operations are responsible to its stakeholders in their area of ​​influence.
