Drummond Ltd. to Present Fifteen Students With Scholarship Awards in 2018

Cienaga, February 6 2018

These are some of the young adults who have received an education as a result of Drummond Ltd.’s Scholarship Program.

Drummond Ltd. has awarded scholarships to 117 students since the program’s inception in 2006. We are pleased to have 15 new scholars who will join our Scholarship Program this year.

In February, the La Loma and El Descanso scholarship award ceremonies will be held in the capital cities of the departments of Magdalena and Cesar. The La Loma program will take place on Wednesday, February 7 at 4.00 p.m. at the Hotel Estelar Santamar, Bolivar conference room. The El Descanso ceremony in Valledupar will be held on Thursday, February 8, at the same time at the Hotel Sicarare, Yüi conference room.

As highlighted in several opportunities by Drummond Ltd.’s president, Jose Miguel Linares, “we continue investing so that in our area of influence, no adolescent will be left without the possibility to receive an education. We focus a large part of our efforts in people from our region who have greater capacities, and on the education of children and young adults as an engine for development, and these are investments that we can make to consolidate achieving peace in Colombia.”

In order to be considered for the Drummond Ltd. Scholarship Program, applicants are evaluated according to three criteria. They must stand out academically with excellent grades during high school (the highest score in this item receives a weight of 50%), ICFES scores above 250 (the highest score in this item receives a weight of 40%), and also the financial need based on parents’ income is considered (with a weight of 10%). The maximum score granted by the scholarship committee for all three categories is 100%.

These scholarships allow students to fulfill their dreams by receiving the education or training needed for their career choice. In addition to the scholarship funding, students receive a monthly stipend for living expenses that currently amounts to $991.563 (US $350) per month.

The Drummond Ltd. Scholarship Program, reaffirms our commitment to new generations and supports the progress of our region, by providing a bridge for the construction of a more educated society.