100 Children from the Township of La Aurora Receive Sports Equipment


La Loma, January 10, 2018

A complete set of sports supplies was delivered to the children of La Aurora Sports Club, in order to encourage sports participation and the healthy use of free time.

For the second consecutive year, the children who reside in the township of La Aurora, municipality of Chiriguana, will have the opportunity to enjoy new uniforms, cleats, and balls provided by Drummond Ltd., as a result of its social responsibility program in the communities that belong to its area of influence.

La Aurora Sports Club is made up by children between the ages of 6 and 15, who dream of becoming renowned soccer players or athletes. Their legal representative and coach, Adelson Ochoa Peinado, seeks to train these children with discipline and perseverance, with the goal of increasing the team’s participation in the different local and regional championships.

“Drummond Ltd. has always opened doors for us; their support and collaboration have never failed. The uniforms that these children receive today are an important incentive so that they will keep on training, and for the La Aurora municipality soccer team to grow even more,” expressed trainer Adelson Ochoa Peinado.
