Pro-Sierra Foundation, Corpocesar and Drummond Ltd. Sign Agreements in favor of Environmental Protection


Valledupar, December 29, 2017

On December 21, the Pro-Sierra Foundation, Corpocesar and Drummond Ltd. signed agreements that will unite technical, administrative, and financial efforts in favor of the development and implementation of programs to improve ecosystemic services in the mining sector of Cesar.

The event took place at the Corpocesar offices in Valledupar, attended by Jose Miguel Linares, President of Drummond Ltd.; Kaleb Villalobos Brochel, Director of Corpocesar; and Santiago Giraldo Pelaez, Director of the Pro-Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Foundation.

The company is committed to supporting the effective conservation and protection of the environment. Jose Miguel Linares, President of Drummond Ltd. stated, “Drummond´s mining operations go hand in hand with environmental work, developing projects to protect and restore the different areas intervened, including the Serrania de Perija, which is not a mining zone. We therefore depend on the support from fundamental allies such as Corpocesar and the Pro-Sierra Foundation.” He also highlighted that, “the commitment to the entire Department of Cesar is not just in the area of environmental management, but also in the areas of human rights and peace, which are two main pillars of the company’s Social Responsibility policy.”

Signing these agreements will produce benefits for the environment, as well as enable community training in environmental culture. Collective environmental education will promote the proper use of renewable natural resources and encourage the sustainable production of environmental goods and services, thereby increasing their supply in the market and providing a catalyst to the sector’s economy.

According to the Foundation’s Director, Santiago Giraldo Pelaez, “The Pro-Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Foundation has a commitment to the entire region, and the agreement with Drummond Ltd. will give continuity to a series of works for environmental protection, ecosystem restoration, and the diversification of income opportunities for small-scale farmers, improving environmental problems in the long run through the Forest Compensation Program.”

Lastly, the two agreements will facilitate the company’s positive impact on the region’s development. The actions agreed upon will focus efforts on comprehensive water management, conservation of biodiversity, and environmental education for sustainable development, as well as air quality management in the central area of Cesar.
