Drummond Ltd. gives Christmas Gifts to the Children of Los Cerrajones, La Aurora, Ojo de Agua and Mechoacan


La Loma, December 27, 2017

Drummond Ltd. delivered Christmas gifts to the children who live in the area of influence of the Gas Project in the Caporo Norte Development Area. The children and their parents were excited and grateful for a fun event enjoyed by everyone.

The Hydrocarbons and Mineral Exploration Division at Drummond Ltd., through the HSE and Community Relations Departments, delivered over 500 Christmas gifts with the purpose of sharing a message of peace, love, and brotherhood.

The communities received this donation from Drummond Ltd. with great satisfaction. Eliana Imbrecht, who lives in Mechoacan, said, “Our community is really glad that we have excellent relations with the Hydrocarbons Division. They are always ready to listen to us, and now, on top of that, this donation allows us to bring happiness to lots of children at Christmas.”

On her part, Yina Vergara, who represented the company’s Hydrocarbons and Mineral Exploration Division, expressed, “Giving out Christmas gifts is a really good way to give the children some time for recreation, and it also provides a place where the company and the entire community can gather together.”

Drummond Ltd. has thus once again demonstrated its sustained commitment to the communities.
