Drummond Ltd. made a donation to benefit 24 children and teachers at the Child Development Center in Boquerón


La Loma, November 2, 2017

With the awareness that education is critical for the progress of its communities, and seeking to strengthen their institutions, Drummond Ltd. made a donation to benefit 24 children between the ages of 2 and 4 and two ICBF community mothers from the Child Development Center in the Boquerón district of the municipality of La Jagua de Ibirico, Cesar, with the delivery of full sets of school uniforms.

At the Child Development Center’s facilities, Alfredo Araújo, Community Relations Manager, and Rafael García Community Relations Coordinator, on behalf of Drummond Ltd., along with the ICBF community mothers and teachers, Luz Mery Rivera and Marleth Marcela Martínez, the District Inspector, the President of the Community Action Board, parents and the beneficiary children, made the presentation with the aim of contributing to the education of the community’s youngest children.

The donation consisted of 24 full sets of uniforms (everyday uniform, gym uniform, jumpers for girls, tennis shoes and school shoes) and two uniforms for the ICBF community mothers.

Marleth Marcela Martínez, an ICBF community mother at this Development Center, who was one of the people who took the initiative so the children could benefit from the help that Drummond provides, said: “We are very grateful to Drummond for this gesture for our children and our district of Boquerón. It is important for the children to come to school in their uniforms.”

In turn, one of the mothers of the children who benefitted from the donation said: “I am grateful to Drummond and the Community Mothers for thinking of our children. It is important for them to come in their uniforms so they can be comfortable and so they know they’re part of a school community. Thank you Drummond.”

At Drummond Ltd. we are aware that education is one of the most important axes of development for the communities in our area of ​​influence. It has become a daily task to work hand in hand and be part of the growth of all those projects that are born at the initiative of the people for the benefit of their villages, districts and municipalities. All this strengthening is done through our Community Relations Policy and the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.
