Drummond Ltd. received a visit by 34 children and young people from the Communications Collective of El Hatillo (Cesar)


At the Pribbenow mine facilities, children and young people from the Communications Collective from the town of El Hatillo were welcomed in an activity organized by Rafael García Gutiérrez, a supervisor in the Community Relations department, with the aim of giving neighbors from the areas of influence a closer look at how the mining operations work.

The schedule included a presentation on the Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives that Drummond Ltd. has been implementing as a way to contribute to the sustainability of the environment and caring for its employees and the neighboring communities, always complying with its Workplace Health and Safety policies as part of its “mining done right” mentality.

With the support of the Environmental and Industrial Safety departments, they visited the Paujil reservoir, where they enjoyed the flora and fauna that is protected there. They also had the opportunity to see how the operations work from a lookout point. Along with the Communications department, the young citizens designed several pieces of journalism for radio and television that showed their communications creativity and ingenuity.

What is the Communications Collective?

The Communications Collective is an Action Plan led by Luisa Bedoya, a journalist working to educate children from this town on radio, television and print media. The main objective is for them to become upstanding citizens and multipliers of information from and for their community.

“The purpose of having them come here is for them to get to know the mining operations right next to where they live, so they don’t have to wait to grow up to come here. It’s also about showing them the journalistic formats that the company handles, such a radio, interviews, print and audiovisual media, and to realize that this training through the Communications Collective will help their community, to report on everything that goes on there,” said Luisa Bedoya.

For this reason, the Communications department conducted fun activities related to journalism and issues involving the company. These activities were the outcome of this visit , which aimed to increase knowledge and allowed the young people to show what they learned about the processes within the Action Plan for their town.

Laura Vanessa Parra, a participant in this project, said: “I am very happy that I came because I didn’t know much about Drummond, and now that I do I think that its whole process, and especially the radio and news magazine, are very important. Thank you so much for everything and for giving me the opportunity to participate in this activity.”
