A Group of Business Professionals Visit the Pribbenow Mine.


La Loma, June 9, 2017

A group of Colombian business professionals from the agricultural sector, some of which are residents of the United States, arrived at the Pribbenow Mine. They toured the main areas of the Mine and witnessed the extraction processes, treatment and transport of coal, and the environmental management plans and forestry compensation plans. The business professionals were accompanied by the Community Relations Manager, Alfredo Araujo, and the Administrative Manager for Mining Operations, Claudia Marcela Rivas, as well as several other employees who guided their visit around the Mine.

*Visitors observing the coal loading process in the
Load Out area

“The visit has been excellent, and we can see that the management of the Mine is extremely professional. They follow all the regulations, and the dimension of the extraction process is very shocking, and extremely interesting,” affirmed Juliana Corredor, Systems Engineer and one of the group’s businesswomen.

The visit ended with a presentation of the environmental management and forestry compensation plans, as well as important information about the extraction process and investments in the different types of high quality equipment and machines that facilitate the optimization of all procedures.

The Load Out area was one of the areas that drew the most attention for the visitors; coincidentally, the visitors were able to see the arrival of one of the cargo trains and observe a very important part of the process.

*Business professionals observing the
production center

Guillermo Montoya, one of the visitors stated, “I am very surprised, because I had not actually imagined this great mine, it is of spectacular beauty.”

The business professionals were able to get on one of the 793 trucks and see its operation, visit the El Paujil dam, stand at Lookout Ramp 7, and visit the Food Production Center where the restaurant for the employees is located.

The business professionals took advantage of the occasion to express their interest in seeing the direct loading area at Drummond Port, located on the Magdalena river.
