Drummond Communicates about Environmental Compensation Plan


La Loma, May 10, 2017

Drummond Ltd. held a meeting in La Jagua de Ibirico to share information with the citizens living in that municipality and in Chiriguana about the Environmental Compensation Plan to be implemented in the area of the San Antonio Creek.

Officials from Corpocesar, the Office of the Mayor of La Jagua de Ibirico, the Coffee Growers Committee of Cesar, Guajira, Asotecpro, and the Pro-Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Foundation were also present at the meeting. Drummond sought to answer the questions of the participants, who stated they agree with the execution of this compensation program that will not only benefit the ecosystem but also the people living there, turning them into Forest Protectors. At the end of the event, property maps were handed out to property owners.

According to Armando Calvano, in charge of Drummond Ltd.’s Environmental Compensation Programs, “this plan will continue for 15 years, during which time work will be done with the community in favor of the conservation of soil and water resources, and with environmentally-friendly productive systems. In addition, they will receive constant accompaniment from technicians at the operating institution and education and training programs with an eye toward the sustainable development of this source of water.”

The Environmental Compensation Plan developed in Serranía del Perijá, is the basis for the one to be developed in the San Antonio Creek. It was nominated in 2016 by Corpocesar for awards from Latin America Verde, Buenas Practicas APC, and the National Peace Prize.

The implementation of this plan is to protect conservation areas, restore degraded zones, and establish and maintain productive systems associated with conservation. It has also pays environmental incentives to rural inhabitants for the environmental services they provide, strengthens organizations, and improves roads, schools, and health posts.

This new phase of the company’s Compensation Plan will benefit more than 200 properties located in Aracoraima, Buenos Aires, Campo Alegre, El Diamante, El Tolima, La Esmeralda, La Estrella, La Trinidad, Las Animas, Las Nubes, Salsipuedes, San Antonio, San Isidro and San Miguel, which will enjoy social and environmental benefits in compensation for the impact generated by mining activities.
