Drummond Reinforces its Human Rights Policy


Ciénaga, February 24, 2017

On Monday, February 20th Drummond Ltd. began the second stage of training for its employees in partnership with ARDURA S.A.S., with the goal of reinforcing one of the company’s core policies and strengthening its Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.

Initially, the process of raising awareness began at the Port with the administrative areas, supervisors, leaders, and others, to help employees fully understand what it means to comply with and respect human rights, and how having an organizational structure based on these principles is the road map for maintaining safe and sustainable operations. In the near future, the training will be expanded to include the company’s other sites, including its operations staff.

“We are improving our communication of Drummond’s Human Rights Policy to its stakeholders, and outlining the documents that inspired the company’s human rights work with these sessions. In particular this includes [the adoption of] two documents that are most important for companies, which are the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights,” said José Rafael Unda, Director of the company ARDURA S.A.S., which worked with Drummond on the trainings focused on managing the risks associated with Human Rights.

From a broader perspective, employees could see that the workshop is consistent with Drummond’s human rights protections which are complemented by the company’s commitment to its employees, the communities near its areas of influence and its respect for the environment. These aspects can constantly be seen through the projects that the company carries out as part of its social responsibility program, in the measures and controls it has adopted to mitigate its environmental impact and to comply with government regulations, and how it provides the employees with a better quality of life through benefits to them and their families.

Through the training sessions, Drummond also seeks to motivate its employees to work with the management on measures that the company should take to protect, respect or remedy human rights policies; thus optimizing and contributing constructively to the company’s work on human rights issues.

Drummond Ltd. will continue to conduct these training sessions, strengthening its commitment to each of its employees, the communities surrounding its areas of influence and its various stakeholders, guaranteeing and communicating its compliance with the Human Rights and risk management policies that it has identified as a guarantee to safeguard them.

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