Drummond and the Valledupar Journalist Association Open Second Call for Communications Scholarship in Cesar

La Loma, January 25, 2017

*The company and the journalist’s association will grant the second scholarship to a journalist in the department of Cesar for specialization at a university in the region.

Drummond Ltd. and the Valledupar Journalists Association established a new educational scholarship a year ago, that created the program ‘Drummond Ltd. and CPV Communications Scholarship.’ This initiative seeks to provide financing for journalists in the department of Cesar to specialize in the areas related to communications.

Since the scholarship has yet to be filled, a second call has been issued for a communications student in the region to benefit. The company and the association are contributing to the educational development of the department, in this way. The student that benefitted from the scholarship last year was Carlos Mario Jimenez Saucedo, a journalist working at the Diario El Pilon in Valledupar.

Those interested may send their application and the necessary documentation to participate, to Drummond Ltd.’s offices in Valledupar from January 30 to February 17, 2017. Subsequently, the evaluation and selection will take place, which includes interviews for all participants. The first stage will go from February 20 to March 3. The second stage, involves interviews for select applicants and will be March 6 to 10. Lastly, the name of the scholarship winner will be announced during the week of March 13-17.

This scholarship will be given to the applicant that fully meets the requirements stated under the Terms of Reference established by the Scholarship Program.

We remind those who wish to apply to send in the following required documents:

– Either being a native of the department of Cesar or evidence of resident status for more than 10 years

– An undergraduate degree

– A minimum of 5 years of proven experience in media or journalism

– A resume, a letter of intent (two pages maximum), stating background, personal interests, and desire to deepen their academic formation, two reference letters, (either academic and/or professional)

– Two copies (audio, video or printed) of four journalism works performed and published in a term of less than one year

Education is important for Drummond Ltd. Each year, the company shows its commitment to learning for all residents in their zone of influence. Drummond Ltd. always works to implement different improvement programs, with the purpose of improving the level of education in the department, and creating ideal spaces for learning. With these initiatives, Drummond Ltd. shows its interest in promoting education, and reaffirms its commitment with its area of influence.