Drummond Ltd. Presents its Sustainability Report 2015


Bogotá, November 8, 2016

This new publication, which was developed under the standards of the GRI G4 methodology, reflects the institutional goals reached and Drummond Ltd.’s commitment with all the groups of interest. The report highlights the progress and performance during the year 2015, explaining in detail topics on the environment, industrial safety, human rights, human resources, communication, economic contribution and the social commitment that is constantly being carried out by the company through a series of projects that are developed within its corporate policies.

The report highlights the actions performed by the company in the year 2015, which are consolidated in the following chapters: Identity, Frame of the Sustainability, Management of the Economic Dimension, Management of the Social Dimension and the Environmental Dimension. Each chapter displays the results attained during 2015. The company operates by constantly looking for efficiency and sustainability.

Therefore, the report also highlights the achievements of Drummond Ltd. in terms of the environment, whose investment exceeded the $54,000 million Colombian pesos. Among the actions developed, many technologies are mentioned including: the use of the Dust Booster or fog machine for the control of emissions in the cargo operation of the shovel truck, the use of dust suppressors in the perimeter roads during the driest months of the year and the use of water sprinklers for the control of emissions in the loading and stacking of material.

In the year 2015, Drummond contributed more than 200 million dollars in royalties and continued encouraging community development through projects on education, culture, health, nutrition, recreation and encouragement to practicing sports, along with the maintenance of the infrastructure in all the communities in the Departments of El Cesar and Magdalena.

Including the previously mentioned information, the new report highlights the updates to its communication policies, human rights, resettlement, human resources, wages, environmental sustainability, among others.

We invite you to learn more about Drummond Ltd. and to go in depth in our Sustainability Report 2015:

