Drummond’s Second Phase of the project “Fishing Restocking Plan of Native Species in La Pachita and Mata de Palma bogs”


La Loma, November 4, 2016

As part of the optimization of the cohabitation conditions between Drummond Ltd. and the community, the second phase of the development of the project “Fishing Restocking Plan of native species in La Pachita and Mata de Palma bogs” was fulfilled. It was carried out together with Prodeco and expects to introduce more than two million young fish of Bocachico and Dorada species. The towns who benefitted are Potrerillo, La Loma and Puente Canoa.

The introduction of new young fish took place in La Pachita and Mata de Palma bogs, and similar to the initial phase, representatives from Drummond Ltd., Prodeco, Corpocesar, the Governor’s office of El Cesar, the National Authority of Environmental Licensing -ANLA-, the National Authority of Acquiculture and Fishing – AUNAP-, the Colombian Caribbean Fauna Foundation, fishermen and members of the Community Action Boards -JAC- of the municipality of El Paso – Cesar attended. The above mentioned entities are committed to the protection and conservation of species in the Colombian Caribbean. Therefore, Drummond continues reaffirming the commitment with this project that will last two years and includes four phases for the introduction of young fish. The third phase is foreseen to be carried out in April 2017.

Mr. Armando Calvano, director of Environmental Compensation of Drummond Ltd., assured that “the purpose of the program is to train and teach fishermen to respect the catch sizes, which is essential to the art of fishing. Therefore, they become advocates of these life harvests that exist in the bog. If they enable that these young fish that we release during the two phases reach adultness and breed, the program will be successful”.

The fishing communities and the leaders of the JAC were enthusiastic and full of expectation. They believe that this project contributes in a positive manner to all those who benefit from fishing and who have dedicated their lives to this activity which provides sustenance for their families.

Similarly, as in the first phase, after releasing the young fish, a space of time was declared in which the community explained their concerns; the same ones that were immediately afterwards resolved by the representatives of the entities, leaders of the project.

The ANLA, for example, was emphatic in stating that the mining companies Drummond and Prodeco have attained an excellence for the project and the Colombian Caribbean Fauna Foundation have great social management.

Introduction of young fish

In the second phase, 610,000 young fish of Bocachico were introduced in Mata de Palma and
20,000 young fish of Dorada were also introduced. Additionally, in La Pachita, 140,250 young fish of Bocachico and 20,000 young fish of Dorada were released.

“I see this as a feasible project for the community; for us the fishermen. We are very grateful to Drummond, Prodeco, the Colombian Caribbean Fauna Foundation, the ANLA, the AUNAP and Corpocesar for this introduction of fish species. This is a great benefit. No one was interested in us, the situation was difficult and the fish stock was decimating. With this restocking, if we properly care for it, we are going to have sustenance for a long time”, said Mr. Hernán González Navarro, fisherman from the area.


Mr. Libardo Lascarro Ditta, official of Corpocesar, explained that the Corporation plays a very important role in the execution of the project because “it is a commitment for the environmental recovery of the hydrographic catchment area of the Calenturitas River and the water streams surrounding the mining activity. Within the obligations of the Corporation, it includes that the mines must coordinate efforts this type of project with us, in order to organize with them the development of the same and the amount of fish or species that are going to be released. I think that Drummond is doing things very well, in their compliances and having many social projects that benefit the areas of the mining influence”.

During the development of the project, the entities continue actively participating and showing their commitment with this project that will benefit the towns of the area of mining influence.

“The restocking is a mission process of the entity but we
must be grateful with the mining companies because they have been backing this process that is of the utmost importance. It teaches the fishermen the catch sizes for fishing and with this, it achieves minimizing the catch sizes on behalf of illegal fishing that the same fishermen use”, explained Mr. Roimer Hernández González, Coordinator of the AUNAP in the Department of El Cesar. It teaches the fishermen the catch sizes for fishing and with this, it achieves minimizing the catch sizes on behalf of illegal fishing that the same fishermen use”, explained Mr. Roimer Hernández González, Coordinator of the AUNAP in the Department of El Cesar.

Ms. María Margarita Amaya Molina, representative of the Colombian Caribbean Fauna Foundation has also been witness of this process, which she rates as important and meaningful because it generates a positive impact on the communities that live and are dedicated to fishing. “We hope that this project is successful, that it meets all the expectations. I believe that it is of the utmost importance that these companies continue performing these assistance projects, which indeed not only favor the fishermen but complete families”, assured the staff member.
