The partnership between Drummond, DSP and the United Nations will improve living conditions in the poorer regions of Cesar and Magdalena


October 27, 2016

The second phase of the partnership for the housing improvement program was signed by the UNOPS of the UNDP and the DSP in Bogotá on October 25th, which is the implementation of the agreement signed several months ago in the city of Valledupar by Drummond and the Department of Social Prosperity.

The housing improvement program is aimed at updating, remodeling and transforming houses from the most vulnerable population; to meet their most basic needs, reduce the impacts of extreme poverty and promote healthy habits in the families that benefit.

Therefore, Drummond Ltd. participated in the event for the new agreement, including a speech by the President José Miguel Linares, on behalf of the private companies contributing to the project. He expressed his pleasure at being part of this partnership that establishes a new opportunity for the departments of Cesar and Magdalena.

“As one of the representatives of the private sector at this event, it is a pleasure and an honor for me to highlight the work that the DSP has been doing to leverage resources to multiply the impact of the programs to fight extreme poverty and provide decent housing to the residents of these
regions,” said the President of Drummond Ltd., José Miguel Linares.

The President of Drummond Ltd. also referred to the importance of strengthening and contributing to the sustainable development of the region through support networks between the public and private sectors. “It is also equally important that we have contributed to this process. Several months ago Drummond signed a partnership with the DSP focused on improving housing – a program that we are finalizing today. Which includes the strengthening of income-producing projects, early childhood, nutrition services and food security for the municipalities in the company’s Mining and Port areas of influence. This partnership aims implement inter-institutional policies in coordination with public and private contributors at the national level to strengthen and implement projects for work in three towns and one municipal center with the highest rates of unsatisfied basic needs in the mining area of influence in the departments of Cesar and Magdalena,” said José Miguel Linares.

Through this partnership, Drummond will contribute approximately $1.5 billion pesos to be added to the DSP’s funds that will be used to improve 200 houses in the towns of La Aurora and Cerrajones (Chiriguaná), La Loma (El Paso), Casacará (Codazzi) and Ciénaga (Magdalena); through the project, they will reach approximately 1,200 beneficiaries and create approximately 100 jobs during its execution. It should be noted that, with this work, the five municipalities in the mining area of influence will be covered, considering that other companies have signed similar agreements with the DSP.

During the first week of November of this year, the agreement between Drummond Ltd. and UNOPS (a UNDP operator) will be signed to begin work in the remainder of 2016 and 2017.

The housing improvement program and the partnership with the Department of Social Prosperity confirms the company’s commitment to contributing to the transformation of the communities in its areas of influence.

Drummond, DPS y Un 2_DLTD
