Drummond Ltd., Presented a Community Hall to the Residents of Trigo in La Guajira


October 14, 2016

During the meeting with the residents from the community of Trigo (a village located in a rural zone of the municipality of Fonseca in the department of La Guajira), the Hydrocarbons and Mineral Exploration Department at Drummond Ltd., and the intervention of the HSE and Community Department, presented the community hall as promised with the Rio Rancheria Sur- Expediente LAM 0683 project.

The meeting took place on October 7th, 2016. Noreida Solano, representative for the Hydrocarbons and Mineral Exploration Division for the company, was in charge of delivering the hall required by the community of Trigo, and that had been agreed in an act from October 21st of 2015, as well as that established in the Environmental Management Plan for the Exploratory wells of Carretalito 7 and Carretalito 8 within the Social Program GS-05 Management Record GS-05 “Compensation for Social Impact”.

Solano, expressed during the presentation that “once again, we are complying with our commitments to the community with this project from the Hydrocarbons Division for the community of Trigo in the department of La Guajira. Thanks to this, we are gathering different organizations and institutions in the rural zone, allowing the strengthening of the community and social development. We hope that this community hall will be productive and will serve to unite the population in favor of the common good.”

The hall has one storage room, draft enclosures, roof with Eternit tiles, and metallic steel beams, as well as polished concrete floors and a water connection point. The beneficiaries happily received this large contribution made by Drummond Ltd., who seeks the improvement in the quality of life of the populations who are compensated due to the impacts caused by our operations. In the case of Trigo, the construction of this hall was a mutually agreed process with the community, which also showed their constant and active involvement.

“The town hall built by Drummond Ltd., represents development for our community as we can now host national-level institutions to strengthen education and entrepreneurship,” assured Adanolis Duarte, a Trigo resident and beneficiary.

Also, Fredy Fonseca, inhabitant of Trigo, stated that “we are very happy to receive this town hall today, as it will serve much of our needs as a community. With this infrastructure given to us by Drummond Ltd.’s Hydrocarbons Division, we can now receive training from el SENA and from the Ministry of Agriculture, we don´t have to travel to the municipality of Fonseca any more. With
this hall, teachers can come and train us here, in our own town.”

Let’s recall that in 2004, Drummond began the exploration of oil and gas in Colombia with two objectives: guarantee the supply of fuel for the generation plant located at the Pribbenow mine, and to participate in the Colombian gas market. The potential of the ongoing projects foresees that there will be a surplus in has production, once the company’s current needs are met, which today are close to 13 million cubic feet per day.

Drummond has two contracts with the Colombian government for the exploration and utilization of oil and gas, in areas located in the northern part of Colombia. These two areas cover the two largest coal basins in the country’s northern part, and a wide basin with demonstrated potential for gas in the departments of Cesar and La Guajira.
