Drummond Ltd. provides 100 million Colombian Pesos to Improve the quality of life of the residents of Boquerón


October 13, 2016

Drummond Ltd. is committed to improving the quality of life of the communities from the mining area of influence; supporting projects that generate income and sustainability. On this occasion, Drummond Ltd. provided 100 million Colombian pesos to the project for the Implementation of Business Units for Rural Families from the township of Boquerón from the municipality of La Jagua de Ibirico, which will bring progress to more than 80 families.

The project was created thanks to the initiative of the community. On one hand, it deals with the productivity of business, and on the other hand, the breeding of laying hens and hogs, and respective commercialization.

The cost of the project adds up to 700 million Colombian pesos, of which the municipal Mayor’s office of La Jagua de Ibirico contributed with 500 million Colombian pesos coming from royalties, corresponding to a program on incentives to the production. Drummond Ltd. helped out with 100 million Colombian pesos, represented in feed concentrate for the grazing of hogs and hens. The remaining 100 million Colombian pesos were contributed by Prodeco.

“This is a great opportunity to express the satisfaction for the types of projects in which the company is involved in. We believe that this has a great impact because more than 80 families benefit from them and those 80 families include about 550 people. This project is a step in the right direction to improve the income and consequently the quality of life of the inhabitants of our area of influence and in the municipality of La Jagua de Ibirico,” asserted Mr. Rafael Antonio García Gutiérrez, Coordinator of the Department of Community Relations with Drummond Ltd.

The community’s contribution is significant. They offer their labor for the construction of poultry sheds and pigsties and they are responsible for the success of the project. The company will be doing the follow up in order to encourage them, and will be providing the feed concentrate for the hens and hogs for approximately five months, in addition to the initial donation at the launch of the project.

“With this we are forming businessmen. The project corresponds to the vocation of the inhabitants of this township and it is what they have always asked for, to keep the activity related to the farming world and the productive sector,” added Mr. Rafael Antonio García Gutiérrez.

The breeding project of laying hens is led by four associations from the township of Boquerón: Asomudeco, La Esperanza, Asofabo and Asogabo, which received 33 sacks of 40 kilos each of feed concentrate from Drummond Ltd.

“We are satisfied, and grateful to the Mayor’s Office and the companies because something like this, has never happened. From here forward, we will go ahead with the project and not to let anyone down. The community will be the one most blessed,” said Mr. Dairo Enrique Acuña de Angel, member of the Asogabo Association.

Four associations also lead the breeding project of hogs: Asproserb, Asprosanti, Asprosembo and Asozene, to which the company delivered 73 sacks of 40 kilos each of feed concentrate.

“Drummond has always made us stronger and we are very grateful. We hope that they continue making more communities stronger because it is needed to build our social fabric. There are many families awaiting these companies, we have them all around, we are their neighbors and we want the best for them and for the community”, said Mr. Luis Santiago Ospino Lago, representative of the Asprosanti Association.

Drummond Ltd. continues doing important social investments and reasserts that it complies with its mission of being a ‘Good Neighbor,’ backing up projects that improve the life conditions of the communities and generate local progress.
