Drummond Ltd. has Donated More than 3,000 Trees in La Loma


October 6, 2016

The number of trees donated by Drummond Ltd. in the different neighborhoods and institutions of the township of La Loma continues to increase. The company continues to honor its commitment to the environment and to the residents in its area of mining influence. On this occasion, it donated 625 plant species in the San Marco, Comcaja, and Divino Niño III neighborhoods.

The Reforestation Program led by the Environmental and Relations with the Community Departments of the company has been received by the community with great satisfaction. Through the program, environmental awareness has increase and the community is encouraged to keep a healthy and pure environment. Therefore, Drummond Ltd. has received hundreds of applications from community leaders who desire to benefit their neighbors with a donation of trees.

“We have had an excellent reception from our community. Each time the people are more interested in the environment and this reflected on the number of applications that are received in the Office of Relations with the Community. Up until now, we have donated approximately 3,000 trees to neighborhoods and educational institutions”, said Ms. María Piedad Bravo, a social work trainee in the Department of Community Relations with the company.

The Reforestation Program was created with the goal of sensitizing the community on the importance of reforesting. Drummond Ltd. continues the commitment of being a Good Neighbor by contributing to the environmental improvements.

“There is a huge reforestation need in La Loma and it would be great if all the townships were reforested in order to have more green areas available and a fresh environment. We know that with Drummond, we can attain it, because it is a company that we have seen interested in the communities and that is the most important, we really appreciate it. They help us to refresh the environment and to minimize the contamination”, stated Mr. Alfonso Florez Daza, President of the Action Community Board of the Comcaja neighborhood, beneficiary of 60 black olive trees and 60 “maíz tostaos”.

The inhabitants of the San Marco neighborhood were also beneficiaries of the donation of 50 “maíz tostaos”, 50 species of lignum-vitae, 50 oak trees, 50 mango trees, 27 black olive, 23 soursop trees, 50 orange trees and 5 “swingla”. Mr. Juan Ramón Araujo, President of the Community Action Board highlighted the project that the company leads in benefit of its communities.

“We are very grateful for Drummond and its staff members. Currently the community is very motivated, very happy for this gift given by Drummond. It is absolutely necessary for the environment to plant”, the President emphasized. Additionally, Ms. Dellanira Cerro López, President of the Community Action Board of the Divino Niño III neighborhood, who received 50 “maíz tostaos, 100 mango trees and 50 orange trees, coincides in stating that the campaign offers well-being to the communities and significantly contributes to mitigating the environmental effects.

“Thanks to Drummond’s reforestation management, we are very interested, since this program is good for the environment. The benefits it brings include the shade, the fruit and the air purification”, Ms. Dellanira Cerro gratefully said.

The timber-yielding and fruit species donated are kept in the forest nursery in Drummond Ltd.’s Pribbebow mine. The company not only carries out the donation but also trains the inhabitants in the caring and conservation of the species, and they commit to maintaining them.

Drummond Ltd. will continue favoring the communities from its area of influence with the Reforestation Program, by donating trees and spreading the message of the protection to the environment.
