Improvements in Carlos Garcia Mayorca School Benefit the Students


September 27, 2016

*Drummond Ltd., together with the Mayor of Cienaga and Empresa de Energia de Bogotá, are installing air-conditioning in school classrooms in the village of Cordobita, Cienaga.

The Carlos Garcia Mayorca School will benefit from the project that will air-condition six classrooms, the preschool room, and the computer room to improve the student learning conditions. The donation will benefit 192 students in elementary school.

In the initial phase of the project, information was shared about the work to be done, reporting to the community how the rooms built by the companies’ Communities Program will be equipped with air conditioning units.

“The classrooms we built in previous years now require air-conditioning for the comfort of students. With this we are strengthening all of the programs we have implemented in the structure as part of Drummond’s social responsibility programs in the communities,” expressed Alvaro Daza, a company representative to the communities in its area of influence in Magdalena.

Luz Dary Lozano, Principal of the Carlos Garcia Mayorca School
Luz Dary Lozano, Principal of the Carlos Garcia Mayorca School

The academic personnel at the school have also expressed their appreciation for the work. “We are very happy that the company, Drummond, has taken notice of this community. The children are quite satisfied, because this will help improve the quality of life of the elementary students,” expressed school principal Luz Dary Lozano.

In addition, a community leader in the village of Cordobita, Farides Hernandez, recognized the social contribution made by Drummond Ltd. in the zone of influence: “Drummond was the first company that laid the first brick at the Carlos Garcia Mayorca School. We have participated in the brigades they’ve run, in the Soccer for Peace program, and in the Beauty for the Future program, in which many mothers have improved their living standards through the beauty course. These are all good things that have been experienced by the village of Cordobita. Now we are grateful to Drummond for air-conditioning in the classrooms and everything it has done in our village,” expressed Farides Hernandez, also a mother of one of the students at the school.

This new project is in answer to the needs of the community of Cordobita, as part of Drummond’s Corporate Social Responsibility work in the program to develop social infrastructure. It is also, simultaneously, part of programs for the recovery of the social fabric and the strengthening of institutions and the community.

More Interaction with the Students of Cordobita
IE Carlos Garcia Mayor2_DLTD (2)

The connection with the Carlos Garcia Mayorca School also allowed 28 students from the 10th and 11th grades to visit the installations of Puerto Drummond to learn more about the port operations. During the visit the students heard talks on the company’s environmental commitment in the zone of influence and its social responsibility expressed through different social programs with the communities.

The future high school graduates reinforced their knowledge while touring different points of the company facilities, such as the yards, the dock, and the administrative area, where they were able to observe in an aquarium the interaction between fish and coal.

The students were also able to ask questions about the company’s organizational structure, as a complement to their preparation as future graduates with technical diplomas in the administration of agro-livestock enterprises.

Alexandra Gonzalez Hernández, an 11th grade student said about the tour, “I’ve learned a lot today, especially the actions they take to conserve the environment and the commitment they have to the people and schools near them.”

For Drummond Ltd. it is very important to continue fomenting this type of contact with the student community, in order to contribute to their professional growth in an academic context.
