Drummond Received a Visit from Students of the Caribbean Biotechnology Center – Cesar Regional


September 15, 2016

Drummond Ltd. continues to strengthen direct communication with new generations in Colombia. Drummond Ltd., continues to strengthen direct communications with the country’s new generation. Recently, students of the Caribbean Biotechnology Center, Cesar Regional’s Environmental Control program from Sena, toured the Pribbenow mine. They were able to see the mining operation up close, witness the company’s environmental mitigation efforts while mining coal, and all aspects of the functioning mine in terms of Industrial Safety.

This visit was led by a team of Drummond Ltd.’s experts, including Fray Orozco, Supervisor for the Environmental Department and Leibnith Daza Contreras, Long- Term Planning Engineer. They were in charge of explaining each one of the areas and departments that make up the company, as well as how each one of the processes related to industrial safety and environmental management are implemented.

The tour addressed the environmental license management and the techniques used to compensate and protect the fauna and flora. The students were shown the company’s equipment, the mining operation, as well as the projects and studies that have been implemented to date.

“They’ve guaranteed that all operations carried out here have the objective of improving the Cesar department’s wellbeing, as well as at a national level, and apart from that, to reach a sustainable development which is what we want as Environmental Control Technicians,” expressed Andrea Morales, a student in the Environmental Control Program of the Caribbean Biotechnology Center, Cesar Regional.

The students visited the El Paujil Dam’s look out point, where they received an explanation about the use and functioning of the dam, the water storage capacity, and the importance part it plays in providing water to the region during the dry season, while protecting the fauna and flora that exists in the intervention areas. These issues that are important for these future professionals as they increased their knowledge and resolved concerns with the help of Environmental Supervisor, Freynis Fragozo.
“This was an excellent opportunity for the new generation to be educated in the Environmental Area. Today, it is essential we understand all the problems that are generated through the development of production processes like an open sky mine, and its value in contributing to the environment. As we train responsible people, we are making them aware and sensitive to the problems that are generated, and how we can mitigate and compensate for the situation,” expressed Angela Plata, Environmental Instructor at CBC in Valledupar.

Among the students’ opinions, their admiration for the company’s environmental commitment stood out. They understood that mining is important and that it can be done responsibly and with great safety, making correct use of all of the available resources.

“It is clear that this is work that has been formulated correctly, that everything is well planned. It is true that it is necessary for human beings to benefit from the resources provided to us by earth, but what Drummond does is also important, which is taking care, protecting, and helping the neighboring communities,” stated Johan Chavez, student of this Institution.

With these opportunities we are able to turn Drummond Ltd., into the bridge that will make the dreams of thousands of students in Colombia and the region come true. They can arrive at the company and project themselves into the future as professionals in the mining sector, with responsibility and commitment towards the environment.
