Drummond Continues to Support Women from Ciénaga and Cordobita in the “Beauty for a Future” Program


August 23, 2016

“Beauty for a Future” held the first closing ceremony of the basic hairstyling course. The participants in the project showed the knowledge acquired during the training.

The “Beauty for a Future” (Belleza por un Futuro) Program women decided to create a space for showing the knowledge they acquired during the training led by Drummond Ltd. together with the Fundación Casa en el Árbol and other entities such as SENA, the University of Magdalena and the Caja de Compensación del Magdalena (CAJAMAG).

The group, which has been receiving training on beauty topics, showed the audience the knowledge they have learned with regard to basic hairstyling that was taught during the training that started on March 7th of this year.

The project, which has been implemented exclusively with the wives and daughters of fishermen in the area of influence of Ciénaga and Cordobita, has had a positive impact on the participants, in both their personal and professional lives. Many of them now dream of starting their own businesses.

Drummond Ltd.’s support is reflected in the satisfaction of the community – not just of the women who beneifitted, but also of the members of the fishermen’s committees who show their gratitude for fostering and working for the future of their families. “I am very happy and satisfied by what Drummond and the other entities are doing to improve the situation of my family. My daughter’s future is being created thanks to this great opportunity,”said Miguel Castillo, a member of the community of fishermen.

“Beauty for a Future” has been the path for strengthening both personal and professional growth, as in the case of María Salas, who is grateful for the meaningful change the program has made in her life.

Drummond Ltd.’s support is reflected in the satisfaction of the community – not just of the women who beneifitted, but also of the members of the fishermen’s committees who show their gratitude for fostering and working for the future of their families. “I am very happy and satisfied by what Drummond and the other entities are doing to improve the situation of my family. My daughter’s future is being created thanks to this great opportunity,”said Miguel Castillo, a member of the community of fishermen.

“‘Beauty for a Future’ has meant much in my life because I have learned values, to care more about the things I do and to work very hard for my family.”María has likewise decided to continue her training professionally after the program ends.“After this project I want to continue to study with SENA. The idea is to learn more and become an integral and complete stylist.”

Also, Natalia Lizarazo, representative of the Fundación Casa en el Árbol, congratulated the women who form part of the project on their enthusiasm and the empowerment they have enjoyed during the training, and said, “In addition to motivating entrepreneurship, change is also generated from within.”

Drummond Ltd. continues to ecourage the communities in education and training to create new lifestyles and to have a positive impact on society.
