Drummond Ltd. and the Municipalities of Becerril and Codazzi Discussed Modification of the Environmental License of the El Descanso Project


June 14, 2016

At Drummond Ltd., we hold annual informational meetings to communicate the results of the environmental impact study with the surrounding communities in the area of influence of our mining projects. For this reason, we have opened our doors to the residents of the municipalities of Becerril and Agustín Codazzi, who have visited with the purpose of becoming acquainted with everything related to the modification of the environmental license of the El Descanso mining project.

For Drummond, it is important that the towns adjacent to our mining project be continually informed of the actions and modifications related to environmental impact issues. This allows Drummond to show the state of progress of the revegetation, the management of water sources, the existing fauna and the state of restoration of the areas affected by mining. Likewise, it is important that residents learn about the protection of our buffer areas, the prohibition of hunting and fishing inside the borders of our projects, and also the faunal rescue and relocation work. This effort complements our strategies to return the areas of operation to the same condition as – or in better condition than – they were in when our operations began.

“These discussions carried out by the company are timely, because it is what is defined in the law and is what the communities should know. In facing the reality that the company is managing, with regard to the environment is so important.” said Yaneth López, Secretary of Education of the municipality of Agustín Codazzi.

The discussions with the communities are the responsibility of a team of specialists of the Environmental Department composed of Juan Carlos Pineda, Environmental Projects Engineer, and Armando Calvano, Director of Compensations of the Company, who presented the information. The modification of this license complies with good neighbor policies, responsible mining and, above all, the interest in continuing to contribute to the development and wellbeing of the region.

During the meetings the visitors proactively participated, presenting their points of view and concerns regarding our projects and topics of particular interest. According to Ramón Moreno, representative of the Community Council of the Afro Society in the municipality of Becerril, the most important thing about mining is socializing: “Of the subjects that were dealt with, I liked the subject of water sources. As the areas where the rivers originate are protected, green areas are repopulated, and planting trees from nurseries.”

At Drummond Ltd., communication of the state and progress of the environmental management plans helps our continual commitment to the neighboring communities and allows us to continually contribute to the development of the region.
