Drummond Ltd. Received the Office of the Ombudsman at the Pribbenow mine


May 29, 2016

Drummond Ltd., the second largest thermal coal exporter in Colombia, received in its mining operations a delegation from the the Office of the Ombudsman, the agency responsible for promoting the effectiveness of the human rights of the inhabitants of the national territory and of Colombians abroad, in addition to protecting, defending, attending and helping Colombians in the exercise of their rights. The delegation was accompanied by two representatives of the German Institute for Human Rights. Delegates from the Colombian Office of the Ombudsman tour Drummond Ltd.’s La Loma – Pribbenow mining project

As an example of its commitment to compliance with safety, corporate social responsibility and environmental management policies, among others, the company opens spaces not only to communities, higher education institutions, associations or local governments to be able to visit its projects with the aim of becoming acquainted with its operations, but also for regional and national authorities to evaluate our industrial safety and CSR programs.

“We visited the company in the context of an action we’re carrying out to strengthen the Office of the Ombudsman with regard to human rights, and we found that it is an organized company that manages its projects very well and that is also entering the subject of business and human rights. Therefore, we’re proposing to work together to achieve good results,” said Marta Lucía Alonso, Delegate for Collective and Environmental Rights of the Ombusman’s Office.

The visit by this agency was guided by Pablo Urrutia, Vice-president of Communications and Public Relations; Juan Carlos López, Legal Department Manager; Claudia Marcela Rivas, Administrative Manager of the mining operations; Amílcar Valencia, Environmental Department Manager; Eulises Cárdenas, Director of Industrial Safety of the mining operations; José David Montero, Superintendent of Labor Relations, and José Guerra Áñez, Director of the Occupational Health Department, among others.

The visitors first listened to a talk on industrial safety regarding compliance with personal protection items (PPIs) and safe presence at the operations, and then were able to visit various areas of the Pribbenow mine, such as the El Paujil reservoir, the company’s most important water reservoir; the Dispatching overlook, from which the area where coal is loaded on the trains can be seen, and the Ramp 7 overlook, from which the operation can be observed in detail.

Actions like this one, in which outreach to the institutions that protect human rights is made possible, shows the company’s commitment to carrying out responsible mining that guarantees the wellbeing and safety of its personnel, clients, suppliers, neighbors and visitors, and the company’s commitment to compliance with regulations and its corporate social responsibility policy.

Drummond Ltd. strives daily to be a guarantee of well-being and progress for its employees, communities in the area of ​​influence of its operations, and the Cesar region, where it has established the two mining projects it has in Colombia.
