Drummond Ltd. Awarded Fourteen New Scholarships


February 9, 2016

Scholarships 2016_DLTD
*Including the 14 new recipients, now 89 low-income young people in Cesar and Magdalena have received scholarships.

The company is convinced that the best legacy it can give to the region’s young people is education. This can be seen through its scholarship program, which has benefited 89 low-income young people with excellent academic performance from municipalities near the company’s operation in the departments of Cesar and Magdalena.

Drummond Ltd. is putting the final touches on its welcoming event for the 14 new students who will receive assistance through its scholarship program. In two special ceremonies, the students’ dedication and excellent academic performance will be recognized: on February 4th at the Estelar Hotel in Santa Marta for those from Magdalena, and on February 5th at the Sicarare Hotel in Valledupar for those from the Department of Cesar.

“This is my opportunity to move forward. Having a Drummond scholarship helps me visualize my future, a better future for me and my family. Drummond has filled me with happiness and hope,”said Daivelis Villamizar upon receiving the good news of being a beneficiary of the scholarship program.

For his part, Clayton Herrera, an electronics engineer graduated from Drummond Ltd.’s scholarship program, stated, “From the time I entered this program my life, and therefore my family’s life, changed as Drummond financed my studies and gave me the opportunity to do my internship at the company. Now I work directly with the company. Thanks to Drummond’s support I pay for my siblings’ education. Thanks to this great experience we have built progress.”.

The awardees in the department of Magdalena are:

Marcela Patricia Ramírez Piña from Orihueca, Andrés José Narváez Vivanco from Zona Bananera and Daivelis del Carmen Villamizar Lozano from Varela

The new beneficiaries in the department of Cesar are:

Andrea Carolina Corzo Díaz de Cuatro Vientos, José Jaime Cantillo GámeAndrea Carolina Corzo Díaz from Cuatro Vientos, José Jaime Cantillo Gámez from Bosconia, and Anggie Paola Pabón Pallares, Katherine Dayana Caro Carrillo, Bleidis Marcela Herrera Paloma and María José Varela Martínez from Codazzi, as well as Andrea Carolina Camelo Castro and José David Bautista Aguilar from Chiriguaná, and Ginella Bermúdez Mariano and Didier Rodrigo González Ballestas from La Loma

The company will cover the cost of university tuition for the duration of the academic program, as well as a monthly allowance for the support of each of these new awardees.

For Drummond Ltd. it is satisfying to be able to contribute tools for the education and progress of the new generations living near its projects.
