Drummond and the Mayor of La Jagua de Ibirico Open School in Las Animas


December 28, 2015

* Drummond Ltd. supports La Jagua de Ibirico’s Rural School Initiative with a 120-million pesos investment.

Drummond Ltd. and the Mayor of La Jagua de Ibirico inaugurated the second project in the “Rural Schools in La Jagua de Ibirico” program, an initiative that has built schools in different districts of the municipality. The inhabitants of Las Animas were happy to receive a school building equipped with a computer lab, a cafeteria, and bathroom facilities.

“We are grateful to the Mayor and to Drummond for this work that will change our lives. Education represents a change toward a better future,” declared José Arevalo, who lives in Las Animas, while touring the new school.

Another of the communities that has benefited from this initiative is the town of San Isidro, where a school was built for more than 80 boys and girls in grades preschool to the 8th grade.

It gives Drummond Ltd. great satisfaction to contribute to the region’s progress by helping educate children in conjunction with the public sector institutions.
