Drummond Ltd. donates trees to the “Safe Environment knocks on your door” campaign from the Cesar Governorship


September 30, 2015

*The company contributed 300 trees to the campaign that were grown in its nursery, which produces more than 80,000 plants per year that are used for revegetation and reforestation of areas in the interior of its mining projects, as well as for environmental improvement programs in the neighboring communities.

Community leaders from the Puente Seco, San Martin, Betel, and La Esperanza neighborhoods in the township of La Loma, received timber and fruit trees from employees from Drummond’s Community Relations and Environmental Departments. The “Safe Environment knocks on your door” campaign was established by the Cesar Governor and is joined by the company to contribute to a healthy environment for the community of La Loma, and its future generations.

“The contribution of 300 trees grown by Drummond for the protection of the environment of La Loma is extremely valuable. As always, Drummond has demonstrated that it is a company that cares about us. As it has previously helped us with our schools, it has also helped with paving, and now it is contributing to nature,”declared Carlos Cotes, President of the Community Board of Directors of the Puente Seco neighborhood, when he received the trees for his community.

Also, with the company’s involvement in this initiative, the Cesar Governorship’s Environmental Secretary, Andres Meza Araujo, highlighted that“Drummond Ltd.’s support for the campaign led by the Cesar Governorship is important. With this, the company proves its Social and Environmental Responsibility. In addition, generating a joint solution to the lack of forestation is very important for the Governorship, as well as for the community.”

The company’s contribution includes species such as: Yellow Fig, Guayacan, Oak, Corazon fino, Mamon, Mango, Cashew, and Tamarindo trees that with the care provided by the community will contribute to increase oxygen, regulate local climate, and for the conservation of the fauna, and fruits for the consumption of the township’s inhabitants.

Drummond Ltd. enthusiastically supports strategies like these that promote joint work with the community, the authorities, and the Company with the objective of improving the community’s environment.
