Drummond’s magazine: Education, an appropriate goal


September 2, 2015

Today we officially introduce a new edition of Drummond’s magazine.

In this most recent publication, you will find social management initiatives that the company constantly develops with its communities, aiming at consolidating its Good Neighbor policy.

Our CSR policy is strengthen through projects and investments which support educational institutions from the region. Several initiatives are an intricate part of the education programs and include musical formation, sports and recreation, and equipping schools, among others, that are developed in benefit of a better society.

There are articles related to the human talent of those who work in the company. These are people that come from our neighboring communities who have stood out thanks to the support the company. Other topics that readers may find interesting are related to our operations and with our robust industrial safety programs.

We invite you to read our last edition by clicking on the following link:

As stated by the President of Drummond Ltd. Colombia, José Miguel Linares, in his editorial:

“In this edition of Drummond’s magazine, we describe our philosophy of Good Neighbor and how this one is within a strategy of sustainable social responsibility with mainstays such as education, training, health and the environment.”
