Drummond Ltd. supports reforestation day in La Jagua de Ibirico


September 26, 2014

The Association of Technicians and Professionals for the benefit of the Mountainous Region of Perijá, ASOTEPROS, held, with Drummond Ltd.’s support, the Adopt-a-Treeday in which the community of the 8 de Marzo neighborhood of the small town of La Victoria de San Isidro, in the municipality of La Jagua de Ibirico, planted trees such as Maíz Tostao, Swinglea, Oak, Cedar, among others, in their properties and around the neighborhood.

68 families participated during the planting of over 220 trees. Drummond Ltd. donated plantlets and offered refreshments to the community.

The community planted Swinglea, Roble and Cedro seedlings in the neighborhood.

This association has counted, since its beginning, on the company’s support through training in the prevention and handling of forest fires, as well as technical accompaniment for the association’s strengthening and the forest tree nursery’s operation, in which the association produces different species of plantlets.

Drummond Ltd. will continue supporting these activities which fortify the Forest Compensation Programs and the environmental recovery.
