Drummond at the community’s service – Taking drinking water to the zones affected by drought in Cesar and Magdalena


April 25, 2014

As support to the towns facing the lack of water in different sectors of Santa Marta and municipalities of Cesar, Drummond has joined the work, hand in hand with other companies, to transport free drinking water to the sectors most vulnerable in the face of the weather and drought conditions which these zones face. In Santa Marta, since Wednesday, April 16th, in the afternoon, the company has given its logistical support, accompanied by the DIA Consortium, providing the supply of the equipment and resources with which water can be transferred.

Likewise, work is being continued in an integrated manner with organizations like Metroagua, Triple A de Barranquilla, Bogota’s Aqueduct, among others, with the objective of taking care of and diminishing the emergency. That way, contributions have been made in Magdalena with three tank trucks, each with a capacity of 50 cubic meters (or 50,000 liters), made use of in different routes to distribute water day by day to the communities of La Paz, La Victoria, Los Lirios, Vista Hermosa, Pescaíto, 20 de Julio, Bella Vista, Aeromar, Altos de Aeromar, Villa María and Pastrana, among other towns near the zone.

Also, in the department of Cesar, Drummond was present in taking care of the emergency, aimed at different communities of its zone of influence. During ten days water was supplied to the municipality of Bosconia, distributing around 966,000 liters to the neighborhoods of San Martín, Villa Aronia, El 18, Enrique Aron, Luis Fernando Restrepo, Nuevo Bosconia, La Estación, Uribe Vélez, Villa Estadio and Vereda Boca Tigre.

Likewise, the tasks of supplying in the small town of La Loma have been being supported since over a month ago in the communities of Sabana Linda, Santo Templo, Dettel, 8 de Diciembre, El Centro, Hernando Restrepo, Puesto Seco and El Carmen, providing 552,000 liters of water in eight days.

It is not known yet when it will be possible to consider the contingency has ended, the result of the dry season being experienced in different parts of the country; but, just as stated by Andrés Llanes Pacheco, who belongs to the pro-organization committee of the Community Action Board of Altos de Bella Vista, Santa Marta, “It’s required that the companies that are around the towns collaborate with the calamity which our city is suffering. Which is why we give thanks to those who render their logistics to help the community.”

This way, Drummond works for its communities’ well-being and continues providing its support to minimize the impact which affects the progress and the quality of life of those who form an important part of its region.
