United for the Recovery of the Manzanares River


March 29, 2014

On March 22, World Water Day, Drummond and other companies joined together to work proactively in favor of the recovery of one of the most important rivers of Santa Marta.

The cleanup campaign sought to motivate nearby communities and inhabitants to join together to raise awareness about protecting the river and its watershed.

The Manzanares River, which crosses the entire city until it reaches the ocean at the Santa Marta Bay, has raised alerts relative to the pollution and conditions found along its banks. Concerned about this reality, the District and several organizations joined together in favor of the recovery of the river, as expressed by the Mayor of Santa Marta, Carlos Caicedo Omar, in his speech to officially open the event.

The initial stage of the project, organized to be developed in several phases, was led by the Office of the Mayor of Santa Marta with accompaniment from the Administrative Department of the Environment, Dadma. In addition, other public institutions such as Espa, District Health, and Planning were involved, along with several educational institutions, meaning students were involved in the event and contributed toward the cause.

As part of this process, Drummond was also on hand with its personnel, donating refreshments and implements that were used during the campaign to clean up waste. In addition, other organizations such as Metroagua, the Port Authority, the Navy, the National Police, the Firemen, the Universidad del Magdalena, and other companies joined in to make the cleanup campaign a success, which began on the bridge at Carrera 19 and Avenida del Río and ended at Avenida del Ferrocarril.

The first stage of the project has been completed. The solid waste that was found along most of the course of the river was all cleaned up, and delivered to INTERASEO to be given the proper treatment.
