Mochuelos (small owls) at Drummond Energy’s Cañahuate I Solar Park: a reflection of the harmony between renewable energy and biodiversity.

La Loma, March 17, 2025

*Mochuelos at the Cañahuate I Photovoltaic Solar Park, located at the Drummond Ltd. mining operations in Cesar.

Reaffirming its commitment to environmental sustainability and the harmonious coexistence of energy infrastructure and biodiversity, Drummond Energy highlights the presence of Mochuelos (small owls – Athene noctua) within the Cañahuate I Photovoltaic Solar Park as a key indicator of the health of the local ecosystem.

These birds, known for their adaptability and fundamental role in the food chain, have found a favorable environment for their development in the park. This phenomenon reflects the success of the company’s wildlife management program, designed under strict conservation parameters and incorporating relocation protocols when necessary, always prioritizing the well-being and preservation of species.

“We understand that the energy transition must not only focus on reducing emissions, but also on respectful integration with local ecosystems. The presence of the owls in our park is tangible proof that it’s possible to generate renewable energy while protecting biodiversity,” said Alberto García, country manager of Drummond Energy.

As part of its commitment to conservation, the company has implemented initiatives to strengthen the culture of respect and care for wildlife among its employees and contractors. These actions are aligned with the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) “Life on Land,” promoting sustainable ecosystem management and contributing to halting biodiversity loss.

Additionally, the operation of the Cañahuate I Photovoltaic Solar Park contributes to the SDGs, “Affordable and Clean Energy” and “Climate Action,” demonstrating that energy generation can go hand in hand with wildlife protection.

With initiatives like this one, Drummond continues to advance its goal of ensuring sustainable management of its operations, integrating energy development with the preservation of the natural environment.