Drummond trained engineering students in the country as part of its commitment to mining education

La Loma, November 7, 2024

*Participants of the Technology Transfer.

In partnership with the Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, through the Technology Transfer Agreement, Drummond Ltd. carried out a new Technology Transfer under the virtual and face-to-face modality in the city of Valledupar, Cesar.

During the day we shared the challenges and opportunities of the “Expansion of Drummond Port” process, with engineering students and young professionals interested in the subject. The presentation was given by Juan Ignacio Saavedra Duque, vice president of engineering and construction for Drummond Ltd., and Raúl Obregón, project manager for Drummond Company.

“The Technology Transfer arises from a commitment made by Drummond within the framework of the extension of the La Loma Mining Contract. However, for us it goes beyond a contractual obligation. It represents a key opportunity to share, through our professionals, the experience and achievements obtained in innovation and in the implementation of best practices developed by Drummond. We believe that this space is essential to promote learning among young students and professionals,” said Beatriz Zapata, government affairs manager for Drummond Ltd.

During the technology transfer, the participants were contextualized about the operation of Drummond Ltd. in Colombia, the process and flow of coal, emphasizing information on the operation of Drummond Port and its expansion. The latter included several phases that were exposed during the presentation, highlighting the challenges faced in each of them and the way in which they were resolved and overcome. In addition, the benefits brought to Drummond by the implementation of direct loading to ships and how the company advanced the conceptualization, engineering and construction processes were discussed.

“We were pleased to share the challenges and opportunities of the Drummond Port expansion project. This challenge has allowed us to innovate and strengthen teamwork, always striving for the sustainability of our operations. During the meeting, we provided participants with a practical vision of the engineering skills needed to carry out large-scale projects, encouraging them to lead the future of our industry,” said Juan Ignacio Saavedra Duque, Vice President of Engineering and Construction at Drummond Ltd.

“Participating in this Technology Transfer experience seemed super cool to me, since I was able to expand my professional knowledge with all the information shared during the event,” said Luisa Echavez Olivera, a participating student.

Through these spaces, Drummond Ltd. reaffirms its commitment to the development of young people, promoting education as a key driver for the country’s transformation.

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Productores/proveedores participantes del proyecto Desarrollo de Productores Locales. Ingresos superiores a los +COP 1.800 millones (USD 415.691) +825 ton. de productos agrícolas vendidos.
Familias de ASOCOPE (Asociación de Cacaoteros del Perijá), participantes del proyecto de mejoramiento de cultivo de cacao.