With the delivery of two schools in La Jagua de Ibirico The number of schools intervened by Drummond Ltd. in rural areas of La Jagua de Ibirico rises to 17

La Loma, August 27, 2024

As part of its social commitment to contribute to improving the learning environment for children in the area of influence, Drummond Ltd., in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office of La Jagua de Ibirico, delivered two educational infrastructure projects in the rural area of said municipality.

“At Drummond we continue to strengthen institutional and community capacity in the education sector. With these deliveries we continue to contribute with actions to reduce inequalities in rural areas,” said Yilda Tatiana Pineda, senior supervisor of community and government relations at Drummond Ltd.

During the delivery, Drummond Ltd.’s community and government relations team was accompanied by officials from the Municipal Government of La Jagua de Ibirico, teachers, parents and community leaders, who expressed their gratitude to the company for contributing to the education of the new generations in their territory.

“We are grateful to Drummond for the improvements to the school. This is a project that will go down in the history of our territory. Now children have better spaces to receive their classes,” said Leonor Carrascal Jaime, president of the Community Action Board of the Costa Rica area.

The intervention at the La Conquista school included the construction of two classrooms and the adaptation of the kitchen-dining room, a classroom and a bathroom, while the scope of the Costa Rica school was to improve its existing infrastructure. The execution of both projects, which also included the provision of school furniture, amounts to an investment of more than $637 million pesos.

“The entire community, and we as a municipal administration, are happy to have an ally like Drummond in our territory, which makes it possible for these dreams to come true, improving the educational conditions of our children,” said Leonardo Hernández Cataño, mayor of La Jagua de Ibirico.

It is worth mentioning that, in the ongoing effort to improve educational infrastructure, more than 1,100 classrooms have been intervened, built and remodeled in Drummond Ltd.’s area of influence, benefiting a total of 51,597 students and providing a safer and more appropriate learning environment for their academic development.

With these deliveries, Drummond contributes to the fulfillment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number four, Quality Education, benefiting more than of 70 students from the rural area of La Jagua de Ibirico.