Bogota, July 16, 2024

Within the framework of the launch of the second edition of the publication “International Standards in Action, 2nd. Edition of the publication “Good Practices in Human Rights and Business in Colombia” of Global Compact, which took place in Bogota, Drummond Ltd. received two awards.
In the category “Policies and/or commitments to respect for human rights”, it was recognized for its good practices in the processes of “Review of policies and codes with a human rights perspective”, and in the category “Promotion and dissemination of respect for human rights” for developing the “Drummond Human Rights Dialogues with contractors and suppliers”.

According to the Global Compact, “the proposed good practices were evaluated objectively and transparently by an international panel, which included experts in Human Rights and Business, and Responsible Business Conduct from different Latin American countries.”
For the selection of the 11 good practices, the panel relied on six criteria: legitimacy, transparency potential, innovation, monitoring, impact and alignment of international standards.
“It is important for the company to ensure that its policies and codes are well aligned with the world’s best human rights standards. The aim is to build trust with the different stakeholders, showing the transparency of our management within the framework of respect and promotion of human rights. These awards are a demonstration of our commitment to this,” said Pablo Urrutia, vice president of public affairs and communications at Drummond Ltd.
Global Compact is an initiative that promotes the commitment of the private sector, public
sector and civil society to align their strategies and operations with ten universally
accepted principles in four thematic areas: Human Rights,