With the delivery of eco-efficient stoves, Drummond contributes to the improvement of the quality of life in its area of influence

La Loma, May 15, 2024

*Delivery of an eco-efficient stove in Los Cerrajones, Chiriguaná.

Through its social investment plan, Drummond Ltd. is developing a project to implement eco- efficient stoves for rural homes in the municipalities of La Jagua de Ibirico, El Paso, and Chiriguaná.

“With this project, we seek to raise the standard of living of underprivileged families. We also aim to reduce carbon emissions, improve air quality, and ensure a healthier environment for the communities neighboring the mining corridor, all at the same time,” explained Ever Carrillo Navarro, corporate social responsibility coordinator for Drummond Ltd.

Project activities include the delivery of eco-efficient stoves and the necessary training for their proper use. This initiative will continue until June, benefiting a total of 60 families.

The first delivery was made in the village of Los Cerrajones, Chiriguaná, where families received stoves equipped with four pots, integrated boiler, oven, wood, and/or fuel inlet, cleaning duct, protection bar, ashtray, and chimney, the latter being the only smoke exhaust to prevent the inhalation of polluting gases in homes. It is estimated that these stoves can reduce up to 66% of CO2 or equivalent greenhouse gas emissions linked to inadequate household cooking practices.

Rosa Imbret Pérez, one of the beneficiaries of the project and a resident of Los Cerrajones, expressed her gratitude to Drummond: “I feel very happy and grateful for always taking us into account in their projects. I always dreamed of having my own stove, because I used to cook on a stove made out of tires and you get a lot of smoke that way. Now I’ll be able to cook without the smoke and fire from before.”

With these actions, Drummond Ltd. ratifies its commitment to the wellbeing of the communities in its area of influence, contributing to the development and improvement of their quality of life.

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Productores/proveedores participantes del proyecto Desarrollo de Productores Locales. Ingresos superiores a los +COP 1.800 millones (USD 415.691) +825 ton. de productos agrícolas vendidos.
Familias de ASOCOPE (Asociación de Cacaoteros del Perijá), participantes del proyecto de mejoramiento de cultivo de cacao.