As part of the Relianz Win Forum, Drummond Ltd. socialized its responsible practices in equity and inclusion

La Loma, May 14, 2024

As part of its commitment to contribute to a more equitable and inclusive mining industry, Drummond Ltd. shared its actions on this matter during the Relianz Win 2024 Forum, “From Equal to Equal”.

María José Caballero, corporate social responsibility coordinator for Drummond Ltd. was in charge of the presentation given at the forum, which addressed key points about the company’s corporate management in terms of equity and inclusion.

During the presentation, Drummond Ltd.’s baseline from 2020 to the present date was highlighted, marking the beginning of a transformation process with the purpose of promoting a more equitable mining industry. Based on the results obtained, strategies for growth and progress in this direction were outlined.

*María José Caballero socializing corporate management at the company’s inclusion level.

“We started implementing annual perception surveys with a focus on equity and inclusion. We were able to incorporate this issue into human rights assessments and the company’s risk matrix. We also reviewed projects that promoted women’s empowerment in our social investment plan, adapted the language in our communications, and considered gender criteria in our supplier evaluations,” explained María José.

Drummond Ltd.’s continuous efforts are reflected in results that place it at an advanced level of equity and inclusion. Since 2020, the company has increased the percentage of female hires in operations by 32.5%, while the In House program has begun to link women in traditionally underrepresented roles.

In her speech, María José highlighted that among the other actions developed is the High Impact Program and the MIDE Program in which “in the first stage of construction of 158 houses, 96% of the beneficiaries are women heads of household. In addition, 65% of the business units of the Business Incubator are led by women, and of the 381 financed enterprises, 76% are led by women from Cesar and Magdalena, who promote economic diversification and empowerment strategies”. All of this is part of the equity and inclusion policy led by the company’s senior management.

Relianz workshop tours

During the 10th Relianz Win Forum, held on May 9 and 10, tours of Relianz facilities were held in Soledad and Galapa – Atlántico, where good practices in the mining industry were shared.

*Drummond Ltd. delegation at the Relianz Win 2024 Forum.

Mary Bayona Galvis, the company’s truck operator, shared her experience at the forum: “The tour of the Relianz facility has been spectacular. Seeing empowered women and their work in all areas of operation has been a source of inspiration.”

The work carried out by each of the companies participating in the forum was highlighted, emphasizing the value that women contribute in all their roles, contributing to a more equitable mining industry.

On the second day, workshops focused on equity and inclusion in mining, as well as presentations by various mining entities.

“This experience gives us the opportunity to interact with Drummond through the work done in inclusion, demonstrating that women have a crucial role in the mining industry,” emphasized Carlos Moros Suarez, Relianz spare parts analyst.

“WowHonors”, recognition of commitment to Equity and Inclusion

During the Forum, Jorge Hinojosa, production superintendent, was awarded the “Wow Honors Men”, while Nohemí Campo, office assistant, received the “Wow Honors Women”.

*Winners of the “Wow Honors” award.

These awards reflect the company’s commitment to equity and inclusion, demonstrating that women can play business roles of any kind.

These strategies and results place Drummond at 55% in the equity and inclusion evaluations, evidencing the progress in this area and the commitment to close gaps, working for a more equitable world for all.