Drummond Ltd. launched the Youth Entrepreneurship School in Cesar

La Loma, November 10, 2023

* Participants in the launch of the Youth Entrepreneurship School.

As a sign of its commitment to productive diversification and economic development, Drummond Ltd. launched the Youth Entrepreneurship School, with the participation of more than 150 young people from the municipalities in the area of influence of its mining operations: Agustin Codazzi, Becerril, La Jagua de Ibirico, El Paso, and Chiriguana.

“The objective of launching this project is to involve our young people from the mining corridor in achieving the productive diversification of their territory through the consolidation and strengthening of their entrepreneurship skills,” said Ever Carrillo, corporate social responsibility coordinator for Drummond Ltd.

* Project participants receiving certificates of entry to the Youth Entrepreneurship School.

By committing to this educational project, which is part of the model for strengthening entrepreneurship and innovation capabilities, Drummond Ltd., together with the Fundacion Universitaria del Area Andina as the project operator, seek to contribute with actions to the development and inclusion of young people with a vocation for entrepreneurship.

“The Youth Entrepreneurship School project is one of the most strategic actions that Drummond is carrying out to serve young people, giving them a boost to contribute to the productive development that the territory requires,” said José Nicolas Wild, project advisor for the Fundacion Universitaria del Area Andina.

During the launch, held in the municipality of La Jagua de Ibirico, with the participation of more than 300 attendees, the project’s young beneficiaries received a certificate that accredits them as members of the Youth Entrepreneurship School, gaining access to comprehensive training during three months in the first phase of the project.

“Participating in the Youth Entrepreneurship School seems very positive to me and I thank Drummond and the Universitaria del Area Andina for this opportunity they give us so that we can train, innovate, and start our own businesses,” commented Miguel de Jesus Anaya, one of the beneficiaries.

In this way, Drummond Ltd. continues to ratify its commitment to the comprehensive development of the communities in its area of influence.