Drummond and Áreandina certify community leaders in Boquerón. Boosting leadership and social control!

La Loma, October 06, 2023

*Community leader receiving his Citizen Oversight and social control certificate.

In compliance with the Socioeconomic Management Plan (PMS), Drummond Ltd. in partnership with the Fundacion Universitaria Area Andina, certified close to 100 participants of the ‘Boqueron Capaz’ program in the Boqueron district, municipality of La Jagua de Ibirico, Cesar.

The main objective of the project was to contribute to the organizations and individuals’ generation of capabilities, to have an impact on community strengthening of Boqueron’s local development.

“We achieved results with women’s leadership, youth leadership, and the creation of a citizen oversight required to carry out social control of all projects in the territory. Furthermore, strengthening these associations that were already formed and that today allow us to give more training and more leadership not only to the territory, but to the country,” said Gilma Rosa Gomez, coordinator for the ‘Boqueron Capaz’ project.

Strengthening the institutional capabilities of community and civic organizations, promoting participation, leadership, and social control in socioeconomic development processes, and strengthening local leadership through training for women and youth, were the specific points addressed and fulfilled during the development of the project.

On the other hand, Carlos Cordoba, a beneficiary of the Project, showed his gratitude: “I would like to congratulate the Fundacion Universitaria del Area Andina and Drummond for this training, as they provided us with knowledge and skills, which we will now be able to develop in our territories”.

With this initiative, Drummond Ltd. ratifies its compliance with the needs contemplated in the different municipal development plans, contributing to the strengthening and development of the communities near its areas of influence.