More contributions to its communities: Drummond Ltd. will build improvements in two CDI and Home for the Elderly in Agustin Codazzi, Cesar

La Loma, September 25, 2023

*The parties signing the minutes to initiate the infrastructure adaptation projects in Casacará

Within the framework of its commitment to contribute to quality education and strengthen its communities of influence, Drummond Ltd., together with Agustin Codazzi’s Mayor’s Office, socialized three infrastructure improvement projects in towns of that municipality.

The mining company will contribute more than 516 million pesos for the improvement of the Llerasca Child Development Center, the Casacara Child Development Center, and the Home for the Elderly in that same township.

*Socialization of the projects in Llerasca and Casacara, Agustin Codazzi.

“At Drummond, as part of its Institutional and Community Infrastructure improvement pillar, we continue to reaffirm our social commitment with the area of influence, contributing with positive actions to impact the well-being, development, and progress of the communities,” explained Javier Galeano Guzman, relations coordinator with the Drummond Ltd community.

The projects, in which the mining company will provide the construction materials, and the Municipal Mayor’s Office will provide the labor, will be executed over a period of three months and include the intervention of the existing infrastructure: electrical system, sanitary battery, finishes and painting, veneers and floors, metal and aluminum carpentry.

“We applaud and value the investment that Drummond and the Municipal Mayor’s Office will make in the territory, highlighting that, with the execution of these projects, we will have safe environments and better spaces to provide optimal service to our population,” said Carmen Castaño, coordinator of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF) in Agustin Codazzi.

Through its pillars of Social Responsibility, Integral Development, and Governance for Development, as well as to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Health and Wellbeing (number 3), and Quality Education (number 4), Drummond will continue to have a positive impact on the improvement of spaces and strengthening of local capacities.

*Current conditions of the Llerasca CDI and House of the Elderly in Casacara.