Drummond strengthened skills and knowledge of community action board leaders from neighboring municipalities

Cienaga, September 20, 2023

*Community leaders and presidents of the community action board during the certificates ceremony in Magdalena.

As part of its social responsibility, Drummond Ltd., in partnership with Universidad Sergio Arboleda, certified 60 community leaders and presidents of the Community Action Boards (JAC) of the municipalities near its port, railroad, and mining corridor, in the diplomat ‘Strategic Management with Emphasis in Community Education’.

In this way, leaders from Cienaga, Zona Bananera, Fundacion, Aracataca, and Algarrobo in Magdalena, and Agustin Codazzi, Becerril, La Jagua de Ibirico, El Paso, Bosconia, El and Copey in Cesar, participated in this initiative that seeks for participants to acquire new knowledge through collective learning, development of community skills, and leadership to facilitate social and cultural transformation tools.

* Ceremony with community leaders and presidents of the community action board of Cesar, at Drummond Ltd.’s mining installations.

“It is a pleasure for Drummond to be able to offer them capabilities that will allow them to be more useful and serve each one of the communities located within our area of influence, and in this way generate added value for the territory”, stated María José Caballero, social responsibility coordinator for Drummond Ltd.

Participants of the program showed their gratitude for the knowledge obtained and received their diploma at the end of the course. As Marcos Montoya, president of the board of the Ciudad Jardin neighborhood, in Fundacion, stated: “From day one of the first class, all the conversation topics we handled were very important, very striking for us to continue moving our communities forward. We focus on everything, on acquiring knowledge to transmit it to each and every one of the members of the community action board”.

Some of the topics developed in the course were: education and didactic principles for community training, strategies for learning development in community training, evaluation, basic activities and perspectives for community training.

On the other hand, during the presentation of the certificates in Cesar, Angie Brocher, beneficiary community leader for the department of Cesar expressed that: “I am very thankful because this program has given me great knowledge to be able to work in local, rural, and urban communities”.

This initiative created by Drummond, apart from focusing on institutional and community strengthening, promotes learning opportunities for social transformation from the Sustainable Development Objective number 4 (Quality Education).