Productive sector, civil society, academia, and the Catholic Church jointly work for the territory under the program: ‘Compromiso Magdalena’

Santa Marta, August 30, 2023

Companies, universities, foundations, the Santa Marta Diocese, and civil society organizations involved in ‘Compromiso Magdalena’ develop projects that have a positive impact on the territory.

The productive sector, civil society, academia, and the Catholic Church got together to work for the territory through the program: ‘COMPROMISO MAGDALENA’, which reflects the social commitment that companies, universities, foundations, civil society organizations, and the Santa Marta Diocese have by deciding to join in to drive projects and initiatives that seek to transform the territory, in benefit of the citizens, by implementing social responsibility programs with emphasis on sustainable development, social inclusion, and collective wellbeing.

This initiative, coordinated by Pro Santa Marta for Magdalena, together with the Santa Marta Chamber of Commerce for Magdalena, is also supported by: Gases del Caribe, Daabon, Puerto de Santa Marta, Drummond Ltd., Coremar, Cenit, Uniban, Air-e, Fundación Children International, Fundación Pintuco, Cajamag, Invest In Santa Marta, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Universidad del Magdalena, Usaid, Santa Marta Sostenible, Invemar, Diócesis de Santa Marta, Serfinanza, hotel Zuana, Acción Fiduciaria, Global Shapers Community, Samarios Si podemos, Fundación Bolívar Davivienda, Nutresa, Radiólogos, Nitrofert, Banasan, Mipko, EIT, Fundación ‘Entre Hadas’, Fundemicromag, Corporación De Mis Manos, Tecbaco, Grupo Biocosta, CI. Agrícolas Las Flores, Fundación Santo Domingo, SENA, Asbama, Tras La Perla, and whoever else who wants to join this initiative that will impact the department’s territorial development.

In this sense, ‘Compromiso Magdalena’ has the intention to become the first collective impact promotion vehicle in the region through which citizen mobilization systems will be created, as well as a sense of collectiveness and social involvement. Currently, this initiative is made up by 40 programs under the guidelines for education for life, environmental and community sustainability, and food security through which the idea is to strengthen livelihood projects, employment, environmental protection, food security, leadership, and education for the department’s population

‘Compromiso Magdalena’ represents a unique opportunity to transform the territory under a comprehensive, participative, and lasting approach that will contribute to improving the quality of life of all citizens and build a more prosperous and equitable future for the department

Companies, universities, foundations, and the Church come together in Compromiso Magdalena to promote sustainable development. A more equitable future in progress!