Drummond benefits more than 11.000 women by delivering supplies to Casa de la Mujer in Agustín Codazzi, Cesar

La Loma, August 17, 2023

*Representantes de la alcaldía de Agustín Codazzi, la Unidad para las Víctimas y Drummond Ltd. entregando dotación a la Casa de la Mujer. 

As a sign of its social commitment to the communities in its area of influence, Drummond Ltd. delivered supplies to the Casa de la Mujer, a space that was remodeled by the Victims Unit for the Cesar – La Guajira territory, and the municipal mayor’s office of Agustín Codazzi and with which, mainly, more than 11,000 women will benefit.

“I am very pleased with Drummond, a company with which we have had a harmonious relationship. We have to recognize that Drummond has been a great ally of this administration and today, it ratifies its commitment by delivering these supplies for the development of women in our municipality”, expressed Omar Benjumea, mayor of Agustín de Codazzi.

The delivery of supplies, which is part of the project to support territorial attention programs for the population´s victims of the conflict, consists of furniture for administrative care and tools to develop training programs in beauty and dressmaking.

“The objective is to provide all the women of Agustín Codazzi with the necessary tools so that they can perform. Drummond’s desire is that, in this Women’s House, capable, enterprising women are trained, who see in education a way to get employed and create a life project that benefits their homes and their economic development”, commented María José Caballero, Drummond Ltd Corporate Social Responsibility Coordinator.

These supplies contribute to the education and integral development of women from Codazzi, especially those in the victim’s population who through training projects will be able to develop their skills and knowledge in different disciplines, increasing their capabilities and generating wellbeing for their families.

“I would like to thank Drummond for these supplies. We are extremely grateful for this contribution they are giving us to be able to get training and move forward”, stated Laura Sanguino, a woman from Casa de la Mujer benefiting from this event.

This endowment strengthens Drummond Ltd.’s actions with the Victims Unit, in response to the Letter of Understanding signed in 2019, which is aimed at promoting cooperation actions and strategic alliances that foster the victims’ access to the right of effective enjoyment in the municipalities of the Company’s area of influence, aligned with the corporate social responsibility programs.

“We are making a great joint effort for these more than 11 thousand women to be able benefit and receive training with these elements being delivered”, expressed Mario José Ríos, Cesar – La Guajira territorial director for the Victims Unit in Cesar.

With this step, taken together with the Victims Unit and the Municipal Mayor’s Office, Drummond reiterates its commitment to contribute to the development of the social fabric in Cesar, strengthening capacities in order to maximize the positive impact in the municipalities in its area of influence.