140 wildlife species were released into Drummond Ltd.’s mining operations preservation area

La Loma, August 4, 2023

*Representatives of Drummond Ltd., Corpocesar, and Dagma Cali, during the liberation of turtles.

As part of its commitment to contribute to the care and preservation of wildlife, Drummond Ltd. welcomed in its mining operations preservation area, 140 species delivered by the Cesar Regional Autonomous Corporation (Corpocesar) and the Environmental Management Administrative Department (Dagma) of the city of Cali.

“Through the Fauna Protection and Care Program, we demonstrate our commitment to environmental sustainability. It is very gratifying for us to have corporations and public entities place their trust in our preservation areas for these release activities,” said Fray Orozco Morgan, Drummond Ltd environmental management supervisor.

Among the species released were: 51 land tortoises (Chelonoidis), 82 icotheas (Trachemys), two Guacharacas (Ortalis ruficauda), two howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus), a guartinaja (Cuniculus paca), a juvenile dog fox (Cerdocyon thous) and a raccoon (Procyon).

The fauna released was in abandonment and/or captivity conditions, which is why the aforementioned environmental entities had to intervene and carry out processes of environmental and nutritional enrichment that generate the animals’ own behaviors within their natural habitat. After this process, it was evaluated whether they were able to reach reception areas, such as the Drummond ones, for their optimal development.

“Drummond has the environmental conditions and protected areas that our animals require so that they are not trafficked again or impacted by people. We are extremely grateful to the company for receiving these animals who needed it so much. It is satisfying to see how this liberation process contributes to our country’s ecosystem,” said Angélica María Bárcenas, a veterinary zoo-technician at the Dagma shelter in the city of Cali.

It is worth noting that Drummond’s preservation areas are constantly monitored to assess how the flora and fauna present therein behave.

“We know about Drummond’s good practices, how they preserve their areas, and how they have been developing activities to enrich them. That is why bringing these species to this area is so important. It is good to have the support of the company in these activities that strengthen the dynamism of our ecosystems,” said Jorge Luis Fernández Ospino, CEO for Corpocesar.

With these types of activities, Drummond contributes to the fulfillment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 15, Life of Terrestrial Ecosystems, within the framework of its environmental commitment.