La Loma, June 16, 2023

Through the Ruta Motor y Formación Dual program, youth from Drummond Ltd.’s area of influence in Cesar received the title of technicians in diesel engine maintenance and heavy equipment for infrastructure, mining, and transport maintenance, from the campus of the National Learning Service, SENA, at La Jagua de Ibirico.
The Ruta Motor program, conducted under a public/private partnership between the Neme Foundation, the Swedish Embassy, Grupo, the Juntos Construyendo Futuro Foundation, the SENA, and CHM minería, seeks to improve the formal employment opportunities for youth in a situation of vulnerability through training processes and psychosocial support.
The Formación Dual program at Drummond Ltd., in alliance with its contractor company CHM minería, benefit these young adults in their training process, conducted in its operations. In addition, those who successfully complete the internship stage have the possibility to work within the company.
“The Formación Dual program was born four years ago. We already have 120 young people who have graduated in different areas of maintenance, food handling and cleaning, which are developed within the mining project”, explained Jorge Cotes, Purchasing Manager at Drummond Ltd.
It is worth highlighting that 100% of the youth in the Project belong to five municipalities of the company’s area of influence in Cesar: La Jagua de Ibirico, El Paso, Chiriguaná, Becerril, and Agustín Codazzi.
“The Formación Dual program between Drummond and CHM minería has been wonderful because it has helped us find qualified labor, and through this program we have been able to train personnel with the requirements that the operation actually needs, in this case Drummond and CHM minería, as the companies who hire these interns”, declared Margarita Moreno, Human Talent Manager at CHM minería.
“I thank God, the Ruta Motor program, the National Learning Service, the Company CHM minería, and Drummond, who is the one sponsoring and making these projects possible. This has been of great benefit for me and my family, as I now have a better quality of life. I have resources that help me, I have employment, and I have the capability to contribute one more bit of progress to society”, thanked Cristian Rodríguez Valencia, who graduated as maintenance technician for heavy equipment for infrastructure, mining, and transport.
Drummond Ltd. Will continue contributing to youth’s development in the region where it operates by driving education as the engine for social transformation.